Page 92 - 21/22IncomingBOG
P. 92

(103)  Projected salaries and benefits for Ethics (Advertising) Counsel (80% with remaining 20%
                         charged to Legislation) and Secretary.

                  (104)  Projected committee expenses based on prior years, plus professional membership dues for
                         Ethics Counsel. Includes new Ethics Friday series monthly CLEs.

                  (105)  Estimated travel and professional development expenses for Ethics Counsel.

                  (106)  Estimated cost of supplies.

                  (107)  Estimated telephone expenses including long-distance and cellular phone service for Ethics

                  (108)  Projected expense based on salaries and benefits of Ethics Counsel and Secretary.

                  (109)  Projected expenses as follows:
                             Annual Maintenance                           $ 20,000
                           Annual Database programming and support        $ 16,500
                           SQL Software Support                           $   6,000
                             Web Programming                              $   6,000
                             CV Online Programming $175                   $ 16,500
                                                                           $ 62,000

                  (110)  Estimated cost to refresh 8 workstations with 5 year refresh; Email and Web Site
                         Production hosting.  Great Plains Hosting, Data Sync; Support and DR / BackUP /
                         Replication Support.

                  (111)  Estimated cost of software and hardware purchases including additional laptops;
                         maintenance fees for HelpDesk, virus protection, and networking devices.

                  (112)  Cost of internet access. Includes added access for Video Conferencing.

                  (113)  Projected cost to operate the website.

                  (114)  Projected email costs based on prior year actuals.

                  (115)  Zoom subscriptions for video conferencing and webinars.

                  (116)  Costs for continuing training in ASP and SQL for IT staff.

                  (117)  Projected costs of long-distance phone service and cellular phone service for 1 director and
                         2 support staff persons, and 1 Wireless "hot spot" for staff use at remote locations.

                  (118)  Projected cost of supplies for department.

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