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▪  Technology Committee Meetings (Advancement of Technologies to
                                           Support Remote and Online Delivery of Legal Services, Statewide Case
                                           Mgt and other projects)
                                o  ATJ Committee Meetings ($2,000) (expenses for 3 committee meetings and
                                    several meetings for 3 subcommittees)
                                       ▪  Disaster Response Subcommittee (Response to Corona Virus and any
                                           other crisis)
                                       ▪  Pro Bono Subcommittee Meetings (Work to revamp to
                                           better support volunteers, hosting of LA.FreeLegalAnswers, Campaign
                                           to increase volunteer reporting and volunteerism, training for new PB
                                           volunteer portal on case management system)
                                       ▪  IFP Subcommittee Meetings (Judge and Clerks of Court Education,
                                           Work on revision of IFP statutes)
                                o  LEAP ($1500)
                                       ▪  Lawyers in Libraries Program
                                       ▪  Public Librarian Legal Education Training around the State
                                       ▪  SRL allocation (brochures, websites, materials, documents, meetings)
                                o  Legislative Matters ($1500) the increase in funding activities has resulted in
                                    increased cost of materials, activities, and travel.
                                       ▪  Civil Legal Aid Day at the Capitol
                                o  Pro Bono initiatives ($2000)
                                       ▪  Pro Bono Campaign
                                       ▪  National PB Week
                                       ▪  Revamp of
                                       ▪  Other activities
                                o  SRL ($2000)
                                       ▪  2 – Regional SRL Summits
                                       ▪  Attendance at various Judicial Conferences
                                o  Ongoing Training for Civil Legal Aid Attorneys ($1,000)

                  (57)   ABA/NLADA Equal Justice Conference for 4 attendees includes registration, flight, hotel,
                         meals for ATJ Director, 3 Projects Counsels ($8,000)
                         Calculations: Flight - $500; Registration - $450; Hotel - $800 for 4 nights; food - $50/day
                         for 5 days
                         o NLADA Annual Conference for 1 Projects Counsel ($1,200)
                         o ABA Day in Washington for director ($2000)

                  (58)   Travel – In-state travel for 6 staff members in connection with committees (ATJ
                         Commission (6 Committees), ATJ Committee (3 subcommittees), Disabilities, Children’s
                         Law and Criminal Justice, 6 task forces). Also includes travel to annual meeting for ATJ
                         Director and one staff attorney.

                  (59)   Supplies – General office supplies based on prior usage.

                  (60)   Printing and Postage – Projected departmental printing and postage costs based on prior
                         year’s usage.

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