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(87)   Projected expenses based on salary and benefits for Law Office Management Counsel and
                         a paralegal.

                  (88)   Projected program expenses include Ethics Schools, Trust Accounting Schools, Lawyer
                         Advertising Schools, Law Practice Management School, and Stress Management School.

                  (89)   Committee expenses, professional dues for Professional Programs Counsel plus
                         implementation of new programming such as practice assistance office outreach and costs
                         for refresher CLEs for past diversion participants.

                  (90)   Estimated cost of computer supplies and service.

                  (91)   Estimated cost of furniture and equipment.

                  (92)   Projected travel and seminar expenses for the following:
                               Three attorneys to attend LSBA Annual Meeting
                               Two attorneys to attend the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility
                                Meeting/Client Protection Forum. Based on prior years.

                  (93)   Estimated cost of supplies, including postage.

                  (94)   Estimated telephone expenses and cellular phone service for 1 director and Practice
                         Assistance Counsel.

                  (95)   Projected salary and benefits for one Professional Programs Counsel and one secretary.

                  (96)   Estimated expenses for programs, including TIP Mentoring Program, includes
                         mentor/mentee receptions in 3 locations and concluding reception at Supreme Court and 3
                         CLE Trainings for Mentors, travel expenses, mailers, and postage.  Also includes new
                         Wellness Wednesday monthly CLEs and other Wellness initiatives.

                  (97)   Estimated expenses for law school 1L, 3L and Bar Admissions professionalism programs
                         based on prior years.

                  (98)   Estimated postage expense based on prior years.

                  (99)   Projected costs of long-distance phone service for Ethics (Advertising) Counsel and
                         Secretary and cellular phone service for Ethics (Advertising) Counsel based on prior years.

                  (100)  Projected committee expenses to administer lawyer advertising program plus professional
                         membership dues for Ethics (Advertising) Counsel.

                  (101)  Estimated travel and professional development expenses for Ethics Counsel (Advertising).

                  (102)  Projected costs of supplies in connection with program administration.

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