Page 86 - 21/22IncomingBOG
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(32) Projected expenses of awards and presentations.
(33) 1. Projected expenses for the design and publication of outreach materials (marketing
products and expenses for sponsor booths and similar activities;
2. Marketing of outreach events;
3. Marketing and communications related to improving and maintaining communication
between local and specialty bar associations.
(34) Projected expenses for miscellaneous printing and postage costs for day-to-day operations
of the department that are not tied to a specific program.
(35) Projected costs for long-distance phone service and cellular phone service for 1 director
and 1 support staff member; and long-distance phone service for 1 director and 2 support
staff members, and 1 Wireless "hot spot" for staff use at remote locations.
(36) Projected expenses for miscellaneous office supplies for day-to-day operations of the
department that are not tied to a specific program.
(37) Annual dues to professional organizations, including but not limited to the American Bar
Association, Louisiana State Bar Association (LSBA), National Bar Association,
American Inns of Court, National Association of Bar Executives, National Bar Association
affiliate chapters, LSBA Sections, and Federal Bar Association.
(38) Projected expenses for certifications, workshops, trainings, and seminars and related travel
expenses; Attendance at LSBA meetings and functions and related expenses. Also
includes expenses associated with LSBA department meetings/meetings with LSBA
representatives such as Board of Governors, committee, and section members.
(39) Projected salaries and benefits for 1 director, 2 support staff persons and 1 college/law
school part-time intern.
(40) Projected expenses for Sandestin combined Annual Meeting/Summer School based on
2019 actual expenses (2020 meeting cancelled).
(41) Projected expenses for Baton Rouge Midyear Meeting, excluding HOD, BOG and
expenses charged to other line items.
(42) Estimated cost of materials to be distributed at bar admissions ceremonies. In 21/22, would
like to develop a 1-page flyer including all LSBA services directing to This
would also cover the cost for 2 e-blast to new admittees.
(43) Estimated cost of memorial exercises held annually in remembrance of deceased members
of the bench and bar based on prior year-end actual.
(44) Projected expenses of Senior Lawyers programming.
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