Page 83 - 21/22IncomingBOG
P. 83

(3)    Projected expenses of Alexandria Immediate Past President.

                  (4)    Projected expenses based on attendance at ABA Bar Leadership Institute in March 2022 as
                         well as the LSBA Board of Governors and Executive Committee meetings from date of
                         certification through end of fiscal year.

                  (5)    Projected expenses of Monroe Secretary

                  (6)    Projected expenses for Metairie Treasurer.

                  (7)    Projected expenses for BOG meetings as follows:
                                Summer 2021 – New Orleans
                                Fall 2021 – Lafayette
                                January 2022 (Midyear) – Baton Rouge
                                Spring 2022 – TBD
                                May 2022 (Orientation) – Point Clear, AL

                  (8)    Projected expenses based on Midyear Meeting in Baton Rouge and Annual Meeting in
                         Sandestin, based on prior years’ expenses. Note: There is no reimbursement in connection
                         with attendance at House meeting held in conjunction with Annual Meeting but there are
                         expenses for meeting itself.

                  (9)    Funding for liaison activities with the Louisiana Supreme Court.

                  (10)   Young Lawyers Division annual operating budget for all meetings, programs, and projects
                         (see attached detailed YLD budget and footnotes).

                  (11)   Estimated cost of conducting elections, including balloting online only.

                  (12)   Projected costs for Leadership LSBA 2021/2022 class to attend BOG, HOD and
                         miscellaneous committee meetings.

                  (13)   Projected cost of conducting ongoing member surveys to collect feedback on association
                         activities and governance.

                  (14)   Projected expenses for meetings and projects of the following committees:
                                Bar Governance

                  (15)   Projected costs of long-distance phone service for 1.5 directors and 1 support staff person
                         and cellular phone service for 1.5 directors.

                  (16)   Projected cost of supplies for department.

                  (17)   Projected expenses for professional development, travel, membership fees and
                         subscriptions for Executive Director.
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