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Dear Professional Friends,
          The en re country has been under the Lockdown status due to Covid-19 Pandemic disease. At this juncture,
          we need to maintain social distance and stay safe. Due to this lockdown status, Educa on Ins tu ons are
          closed, and the Librarians confined to the empty Libraries and the students to their houses.
          The LIS Academy had announced it's Na onal Conference at the University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, from 27-
          29 August 2020. Unfortunately, due to the mass spreading of pandemic COVID-19 disease across the country,
          the organizers have planned to organize a Virtual Conference from LIS Academy Studio on the same dates.

                              VIRTUAL LISACON - 2020

             The LISACON2020 will be held in Virtual Mode. The conference ac vi es will be web-streamed. The
             paper presenters will be allowed to present their papers from their places through video recordings,
             and all speakers will be present online for Q/A sessions.
             The conference venue will be created with a studio at LIS Academy, Bangalore. Only Plenary speakers
             and Panel Members will be invited for their physical presence at the Conference Venue. However, if
             they are unable to a end in person, they can also address their paper through a webinar. The en re
             conference will be held on the scheduled three days, and every day there will be two sessions. Each
             session will consist of 90 minutes, with six invited paper presenta ons and plenary talk. He/she will
             moderate the session.
             Papers are invited from the professionals. The best six papers based on the scope of the sub-theme
             and cleared through the peer review process will be selected for presenta on at the conference.
             Accepted papers will be treated as Invited talks. The presenter/authors of the paper will be paid
             Rs.2000 towards Cash prize per paper, free registra on, a memento, and a cer ficate of apprecia on.
             The selected presenter will have to share his/her presenta on (PPT/PPTX). A er scru ny, they will be
             asked to create a video for 10 minutes using zoom or any other pla orm with HD quality MP4 format
             videos with conference backdrop provided by organizers.

                                 Reinventing Excellence in Librarianship

            Excellence is about being the best, striving to be be er, and delivering quality services. Libraries are
            universally  considered  as  social  ins tu ons,  which  facilitate  acquisi on  and  dissemina on  of
            knowledge.  Library  professionals  are  efficiently  serving  the  informa on  needs  of  end-users  by
            adop ng  new  tools,  techniques,  and  technologies  from   me  to   me.  The  advent  of  digital
            technologies has brought in disrup ve changes in all spheres of library. Today's library is less about
            what we have for users and more about what we do for users. Librarianship has to reinvent and
            reposi on  itself  to  achieve  excellence.  The  librarianship  needs  to  rethink  innova ve  content
            acquisi on models, out of the box thinking in extending library services, leveraging technologies, new
            modes  of  reaching  the  user  community.  The  LISACON-2020  theme  "Reinven ng  Excellence  in
            Librarianship" will focus on bringing best prac ces, success stories, case studies, and innova ve
            research outcomes to a common pla orm.
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