Page 6 - LIS Academy Brochure_16ver_07-04-2020 wihout text.cdr
P. 6
Submission of Abstracts: 20 July 2020
Submission of Full-length paper: 1 Aug 2020
No fica on of Acceptance of full-length paper: 5 Aug 2020
Submission of camera-ready paper,
15 Aug 2020
PPT and 10 Minute video:
The authors are requested to submit original papers related to the
conference theme and subthemes. Papers that are not relevant to the
scope of the conference theme and subthemes will be rejected.
The papers aligned to the conference theme and sub-themes will be
checked for Plagiarism / Similarity as per UGC guidelines with 14 words
filter by excluding text in quotes and references. The overall similarity
needs to be within 10%
All selected papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The authors will be
requested to submit a camera-ready copy as per the conference template.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The
conference proceedings will be published with ISBN Number.
For forma ng guidelines and paper-template, authors are requested to visit the
conference website: h p://
Submission of Abstracts/Papers/PPTs/Videos can be mailed to:
Presentation Guidelines:
Since the Conference is organized in virtual mode, authors of the accepted papers
are requested to record a video of their presenta on for 10 minutes. The
organizers will share the backdrop for display on the zoom pla orm are required
to use the same. The curated videos will be consolidated and streamed on the day
of the Conference by the session chairman. All presenters will have to be present
as a panelist during their session.
Interna onal Par cipants $20
SAARC & ASEAN Countries $15
Indian Professionals: Rs. 500
Each session Par cipa on: Rs. 100
Conference cer ficate / Session cer ficate will be issued through LISACON-2020
mobile APP a er confirma on of payment and a endance.
Note: Registra on and Payments can only be made through LISACON-2020
Mobile App (Download Lisacon 2020 App from google Play Store)