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The LIS Academy (Library & Informa on Science Academy) is a professional Charitable Trust established to
           work for the development of the profession and to assist libraries with the state-of-the-art technology
           (h p://  The  Academy's  primary  focus  is  to  provide  need-based  service  to  the
           different types of libraries in the country and to work for the advancement of the Library and Informa on
           Science (LIS) profession at large. The LIS Academy having a tagline "Learn Inspire Serve", aims to become
           the  best,  ac ve  and  dynamic  professional  body  by  suppor ng  the  professionals  with  the  essen al
           knowledge, skills, and values of librarianship using innova ve and cu ng-edge technology. The mission of
           the LIS Academy is to spread mul -dimensional u lity and overall growth of the profession of librarianship
           through educa on, research, publica ons, training programs, consulta on, and collabora on.

           The  University  of  Hyderabad  (UoH),  one  of  the  major  ins tu ons  of  higher  educa on  in  India,  is
           primarily devoted to postgraduate studies. It is widely known for its excellence in research and its
           dis nguished faculty. It was established in 1974, emerging as a leading center of teaching and research.
           With 46 different Departments and Centres organized in 12 Schools of study, the University has over 442
           faculty and over 5200 students giving them the necessary guidance in academics and research. The
           faculty  have  been  associated  with  several  prominent  na onal  and  interna onal  bodies,  held
           Professorships of dis nc on, both in India and abroad, and par cipated in the global educa onal
           arena.Furthermore, they are handsomely funded and receive grants from na onal and interna onal
           funding agencies like UGC, MHRD, DBT, DST, EU, DoE, IUSSTF and so on. The University offers close to 150
           different programmes of study ranging from doctoral studies to Masters level degrees, as well as a range
           of post graduate diplomas and short term courses by Distance mode. The University has built up a
           reputa on for providing high quality academic training, and has been recognized through a number of
           awards: PURSE, given by the Prime Minister of India, a grading of A, which is the highest by the Na onal
           Assessment and Accredita on Council (NAAC). Interna onal measures of research excellence also show
           the preeminence of UoH - the University is counted among the top 100 in Asia in many of its academic
           areas of study. Recently the UoH has been conferred with the Pres gious Ins tu on of Eminence (IoE)
           status by the Government of India.
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