Page 2 - March ARB Beacon 3-18-16
P. 2
2 March 18, 2016
Volume 81, Number 11 Let your “Madness” be purposeful
by Lt. Col. Bob Meissner
452 AMW Public Affairs 452 AMW Chaplain Michelangelo could have painted two Sis- ships and activities in our lives. How much
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640 tine Chapels, John Milton could have writ- time are you investing in these? In my faith
March ARB, CA 92518-1852 This is not a reference to our Wing but ten two Paradise Losts, and Lewis and Clark tradition Easter is approaching, a huge
DPZSDZRUNÀRZ#XVDIPLO to the phenomenon of the college basket- could have trekked across North America event in the Christian calendar. We nor-
ball tournament that begins this week and four times. mally hit record attendance at church that
fax: 951-655-7070 will culminate in the Final Four and cham- weekend. But I often wonder where every-
phone: 951-655-4138 pionship game in April. It’s mad, not in the The question then becomes, am I mak- one is the other 51 weekends of the year.
sense of anger but intensity. Sixteen games ing the most of my time and engaging in Where we spend our time says a lot about
COMMANDER on Thursday, sixteen more on Friday, a what’s truly important? In the book of what we value.
Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy gradually shrinking field each week until Psalms in the Old Testament, David asks
only one is victorious. God to “teach us to number our days that March Madness is not bad. TV is not
CHIEF OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS we may get a heart of wisdom.’ When we all bad. It’s often beneficial and provides
Capt. Perry Covington Whether you’re a fan of basketball or understand and reflect on how much time needed downtime in our busy lives. But
not: the reality is, we as Americans spend we truly have in this life and see how we it’s an example of how we can spend un-
CHIEF OF OPERATIONS a “mad” amount of time engaged in some use it, we become aware that we need to productive time if we are not careful. I’ve
Ms. Linda Welz kind of media whether it’s entertainment, invest in the time we have wisely. Does my read it takes 10,000 hours of practice for
news, or sports. Estimates vary but the lat- schedule truly reflect those things that are someone to become an expert in their
BEACON EDITOR est I’ve seen say the average person watches most important to me? How we live is a craft. That’s over a year of nonstop prac-
Mr. Sean Dath about 5 hours of TV alone each day. That av- good indicator of what we believe. An ex- tice. Imagine becoming an expert in 8 or 9
erages out to about 9 years of one’s lifetime. amination of our outward life provides us different things in the amount of time you
452 AMW EDITORIAL STAFF For most of us, 9 years will be more than 10 with a view of the beliefs we operate from. spent watching TV over your lifetime. Let
Master Sgt. Megan Crusher percent of our lives. In that amount of time your “madness” be purposeful. One more
Staff Sgt. Heather Cozad Staley Faith, family and friends are often the thing: Go Aztecs!
Staff Sgt. Osmin Suguitan most important and meaningful relation-
Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer
Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang Women’s History Month Spotlight:
Senior Airman Russell McMillan Major Nicci S. Rucker, 954th RSS
The Beacon is published by by 954th Reserve Support Squadron Mission Operations Commander, Deputy Guard/Reserve AMC units.
Aerotech News and Review. Aero- Flight Commander, Imagery Operations, Rucker separated from active duty in
nected with the U.S. Air Force, un- Major Nicci S. Rucker is currently serv- 2011 and joined the reserves later that
der exclusive written contract with ing as the Air Force Element Officer in She deployed in support of ongoing year.
the 452nd Air Mobility Wing. This Charge, 954th Reserve Support Squad- operations in Southwest Asia and Europe
civilian enterprise Air Force news- ron, United States Transportation Com- as a Geospatial Manager and Executive As a civilian from 2011 to 2015 she
paper is an authorized publication mand Joint Transportation Reserve Unit, Officer to the Director of Intelligence for served as the Threat Working Group Co-
for employees and members of Intelligence, Joint Intelligence Director- Air Forces Central, and as an Air Mobil- ordinator for AMC, providing force pro-
U.S. military services, retirees and ate, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. ity Command Senior Intelligence Officer. tection and threat mitigation recommen-
family members. Contents are not dations to 18th Air Force commander.
QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI As the Air Force Element Joint Intel- Rucker’s final assignment on active
or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern- ligence Officer-in-Charge, she is respon- duty was as the chief of Unit Support at Her awards and decorations include
ment, the Department of Defense sible for time-dominant intelligence in AMC Air Intelligence Squadron, Scott the Meritorious Service Medal, Joint
or the Department of the Air Force. support of the United States Transporta- AFB. She led a 17-person branch pro- Service Commendation Medal, Air Force
tion Command Deployment Distribution viding 24/7 global threat warning and Commendation Medal, and Air Intelli-
The appearance of advertis- Operations Center. She also serves as ISR support to 104 Active/Air National gence Squadron Civilian of the Year (Cat
ing in this newspaper, including Joint Senior Watch Officer, fo- III), 2012, 2014.
inserts or supplements, does not cusing senior leaders on strategic
constitute endorsement of the level threats and impacts to global
products or services by the De- deployment and distribution op-
partment of Defense, the Depart- erations.
ment of the Air Force or Aerotech
News and Review, Inc. A graduate of the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Everything advertised in this Rucker earned her Bachelor of
newspaper shall be made avail- Arts in Spanish and Communica-
able for purchase, use or patron- tion Studies in 2000.
age without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, She entered active duty Febru-
marital status, physical handi- ary 2001. Graduating from Intel-
FDS SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\ ligence Officer training in 2002,
other non-merit factor of the pur- she has had a broad range of intel-
chaser, user or patron. ligence assignments ranging from
an operational tour in the Repub-
Editorial content is edited, pre- lic of Korea, to serving as Distrib-
pared and provided by the staff uted Common Ground Station-4
of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing
Reserve Base. All photographs
in the Beacon are Air Force pho-
tos unless otherwise stated. For
advertising, contact Aerotech di-
rectly at 877-247-9288.
Aerotech News and Review
456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8
Lancaster, CA 93535