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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb  March 18, 2016                                               7

Credit Education Month: Be in charge of your credit cards

by FDIC Office of Communications                                 Annual Percentage Rate: The APR represents the            rules and monitor transactions. Adding an authorized
                                                              annual cost of the credit. In general, there are three       user can be a way to jointly manage your finances or
   Credit cards can offer numerous benefits to consum-         types of APRs that might be applicable to your card:         to help someone else establish a credit history. But re-
ers, including a convenient way to pay for purchases,         those for purchases, for balance transfers from another      member that you will be liable for any charges the au-
the ability to build a credit history, and the potential      card, and for cash advances. Also pay attention to in-       thorized user makes with the card, so it’s best to have
for rewards. But to make the most of your credit cards,       troductory rates. Some credit offers, such as balance        a mutual understanding about your expectations as the
it helps to be an informed consumer. First, remember          transfers, come with special low interest rates that will    account owner. Also consider asking your card issuer
that any purchase you make with your credit card is           increase after the promotional period.                       to place a spending limit on the card assigned to the
a loan that must be repaid. And as with any loan, it’s                                                                     authorized user. And, of course, be sure to regularly
important to select the right product for you and to use         Fees: These can include annual fees, balance trans-       monitor the account and take appropriate action, if
it wisely.                                                    fer fees and cash advance fees (in addition to any inter-    necessary.
                                                              est you might pay), foreign transaction fees, and penal-
   To help you maximize the benefits and avoid the po-         ties for late payments or returned payments. Determine          Protect your card from fraud. Never provide your
tential pitfalls, here are our latest tips for choosing and   if fees can change over time, as many cards will waive       credit card numbers — including the account number
using credit cards.                                           an annual fee for the first year but will charge it in later  and expiration date on the front and the security code
                                                              years.                                                       on the front and/or back — in response to an unsolic-
   Choosing a Credit Card                                                                                                  ited phone call, e-mail or other communication. When
   Maximize your ability to get a good credit card by            Rewards: These programs can be complicated,               using your credit card online, make sure you’re dealing
ensuring that your credit report is accurate. Correcting      with specific eligibility rules. Know what you need to        with a legitimate company.
inaccuracies may help you improve your credit history         do to qualify for rewards, which might include meet-
and credit score, which card issuers will consider when       ing spending requirements, and how much you would               Also, take precautions at the checkout counter and
deciding whether to offer you a card and how they will        have to spend to accumulate enough points or miles           gas pump, watching for card reading devices that look
determine your interest rate and credit limit. You also       to get what you want. Also understand what you need          suspicious, such as a plastic sleeve inside a card slot or
can find out if an identity thief has opened credit cards      to do to maintain your reward points, since they can         other possible signs of tampering.
or other accounts in your name.                               sometimes expire if an account is closed or considered
   By federal law, you are entitled to one free copy of       inactive.                                                       If you have lost your card or are the victim of iden-
your credit report every 12 months from each of the                                                                        tity theft, contact your credit card company as soon as
three major nationwide consumer reporting agencies               Do your homework before signing up for promo-             possible.
(also called “credit bureaus”) — Equifax, Experian            tional offers or additional products. Some credit cards
and TransUnion. Each company issues its own report,           come with promotions that are enticing but may cost             To try to resolve a complaint, first contact your card
and because some lenders do not furnish information           you more money in the long run. For instance, some           issuer. Before calling, think through and summarize
to all three of them, it’s useful to request your report      credit cards marketed by retail stores offer “no inter-      what the problem is and what you’d like done about
from each one in order to get a comprehensive view            est” on balances for a certain period of time, such as       it. This will help you remember the key points of the
of your credit history. Go to www.AnnualCreditRe-             the first 12 months after purchase. But if you don’t pay      issue. In case the financial institution doesn’t agree to or call toll-free 1-877-322-8228 to order free       off the entire purchase balance by the end of the time-      your solution, think about other alternatives you might
credit reports or for more information.                       frame that was disclosed, you may be charged all of the      propose or accept.
   If you find errors, each reporting agency provides          interest that accrued since the date of purchase.
ways to ask for an investigation and a correction. In                                                                         The FDIC and other banking regulators can’t settle
addition, you can request a correction directly from the         Additionally, credit card companies might offer           contract disputes between a bank and a consumer, but
entity that supplied the incorrect information.               other credit-related products, such as credit protection     they often can assist consumers in other ways, such
   Determine what type of card best meets your needs.         and identity theft protection.                               as helping people understand confusing information,
First, think about how you will use the card. In particu-                                                                  contacting the issuer and initiating a formal review
lar, do you expect to pay your card balance in full each         Using a Credit Card                                       process, or taking supervisory actions if the institution
month or carry a balance from month to month?                    Carefully review your card statements for billing er-     is in violation of a law or regulation. To find the regu-
   If you don’t pay your card balance in full each            rors and other problems, and report them quickly.            lator for an FDIC-insured institution, you can use our
month, the best card for you will likely be one with             If you notice a billing error, such as an unauthorized    online directory at or
a low Annual Percentage Rate (APR). But if you do             charge on your statement, contact the card issuer as         call the FDIC toll-free at 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-
plan to pay in full each month, you might instead fo-         soon as possible. Checking your account periodically         275-3342).
cus on whether there is an annual fee, rewards or other       also can help you monitor your spending.
features, such as a waiver of foreign transaction fees           Review all communications from your lender. Keep             For more tips and information, start at the FDIC
(helpful for international trips or purchases).               a copy of your cardholder agreement and look at all          Web page “How to Choose and Use a Credit Card” at
   Shop around and compare product terms and con-             other mailings from your lender because they may in-
ditions. Although you may receive credit card offers,         clude notices about adjustments to the important terms
don’t assume these are the best deals for you. If you         of your card.
decide you need to apply for a card, compare multiple            Pay on time to limit late fees and protect your credit
products from several lenders. Various Web sites can          history. If you miss a payment, you’ll likely be charged
help you compare product offerings from different in-         a late fee. Late payments are also reported to the ma-
stitutions, but be aware that some sites list only com-       jor consumer reporting agencies, which can harm your
panies that pay to advertise there.                           credit history.
   What factors should you consider? Federal law re-             Pay as much as you can to avoid or minimize fees
quires creditors to disclose important rate and fee in-       and interest charges. While it may sound like a bar-
formation to you before you apply. “This enables you          gain to pay the minimum amount due, the long-term
to make apples-to-apples comparisons for the most             costs can be staggering. You will generally be charged
important factors,” pointed out Elizabeth Khalil, an          interest on the unpaid portion of your balance at the
FDIC Senior Policy Analyst.                                   beginning of a new billing cycle and your credit card
   Here is additional guidance on how to compare key          issuer may start charging you interest from the time
terms and conditions:                                         of purchase. If you can’t pay the full amount, paying
                                                              even slightly more than the minimum amount due can
                                                              reduce your interest costs.
                                                                 If you add an “authorized user” to the account, set
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