Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 3-18-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb       March 18, 2016                              3

From BRIEFS page 1                          36-2619, Military Personnel Appropria-        The ROA Chapter #57, at March                      COMMAND POST
                                                                                       ARB, is part of The San Diego Chapter                  NEEDS AIRMEN
has risen by 6% over last year. The         tion (MPA) Man-Day Program and AFI         which is made up of Reserve Officers of         The 452nd Air Mobility Wing Com-
warriors who defend our country de-         36-2254, Volume 1, Reserve Personnel       the United States Armed Services. Their     mand Post is in need of new Airmen.
serve access to all programs that may       Participation) who give birth, effective   geographical area encompasses the           They have several full-time Air Reserve
assist them to live better. Veterans,       Feb. 5, 2016. This leave is non-charge-    greater San Diego area from the Mexi-       Technician positions and several Tradi-
Veteran Supporters, Families, Chil-         able and the 12-week period must be        can border north to the Orange County       tional Reserve positions available.
dren, Social Welfare Groups, Sports         taken continuously. For those who are      and Riverside County areas, and from           Command Post brief job description:
Trainers, Runners, Joggers, Military,       already on maternity leave effective Feb.  the Pacific Ocean east to include Impe-      The base command post is the central
1st Responders and anyone else who          5, 2016, they will be granted a 6-week     rial County. Membership is open to any      control point for base mission operations
wants to participate is invited. Opera-     extension. Additionally, Airmen who        federally commissioned officer, warrant      and often is in direct communication with
tion Restart 5K/10K Run Walk and            extended their current 42-day mater-       officer, of the National Guard, Reserve,     the wing commander. Command Post
Mini Patriot Mile will be held on Sat-      nity leave and are currently on ordinary   Active Component, Former officers or         personnel are key facilitators in ensur-
urday, April 2, 2016 from 7 to 11 a.m.      leave may convert the chargeable ordi-     Retired officers and their spouses and       ing optimal Command and Control (C2)
at the Antelope Valley Mall, 1233           nary leave to the new non-chargeable       recently includes non-commissioned of-      operations and communications. Specific
Rancho Vista Blvd, Palmdale, Cali-          Maternity Leave. In the case of dual-      ficers. The March ROA chapter Junior         tasks depend on the mission and aircraft
fornia 93551. Registration and the          military couples, Maternity Leave may      Officer Liaison is Capt. Lombardo at         assigned to that base, which could range
starting line is in the Sears parking       not be transferred to create any kind of   951-655-5722.                               from cargo transport to space systems
area. Online registration is at www.        shared benefit, and in all cases, unused                                                and nuclear operations. If interested For info, contact      Maternity Leave will be forfeited if not      Find The ROA Department of the           please contact Senior Master Sgt. Frank
Michael Campbell at 714-919-6709            used. Commanders will grant Maternity      Golden West, which covers California        Gomez at
or michael.campbell@avvets4veter-           Leave in all cases where Airmen are eli-   and Nevada, at                                    gible. Furthermore, no Airmen shall be
                                            disadvantaged in her career, including                                                    EDUCATION & TRAINING
                                                                                       ENLISTED DEVELOPMENTAL                       OFFICE TO PROVIDE MASS
APRIL MONTH OF                              limitations to assignments, evaluations,          EDUCATION BOARD
MILITARY CHILD EVENT or selection for PME because she has                                 Air Reserve Personnel Center offi-           Beginning in December, during the
                                                                                       cials will release the Invitation to Apply  Unit Training Assemblies, the March
Announcing the 3rd Annual April, taken Maternity Leave.                                and open the application cycle for the      Education and Training office will con-
                                                                                       annual Enlisted Developmental Educa-        duct ongoing, mass briefings for any
Month of the Military Child event in Los              ATTENTION ALL                    tion Board Friday, Feb. 5. The EDEB         Tuition Assistance, GI Bill and Commu-
Angeles on Sunday, April 17 from 1:30                   3AS (3A1X1S)                   will convene May 16 at HQ ARPC. All         nity College of the Air Force (CCAF)
- 4:00 p.m. This event held at the Los                                                 applications are due to ARPC no later       inquiries. Their schedule is as follows:
Angeles Public Library - Downtown,             Senior Master Sgt. Cynthia Villa has    than April 15, 4:30 p.m. MT. Call the          CCAF briefing:
is a collaborative effort by members of     been selected by wing leadership to        Total Force Service Center at DSN 665-         UTA Sundays from 10 to 10:30 a.m.
the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative      serve as the 3A Functional Manager.        0102 or 210-565-0102 for questions or       in Bldg. 441, Rm. 12
- Families & Children Working Group.        She is very excited for this opportunity   further information.                           Tuition Assistance briefing:
There will be activities and goodies for    and is ready to go to work! In an ef-                                                     UTA Sundays from 1 to 1:45 p.m. in
children up to age 12 years, but all are    fort to get to meet every 3A personally,    MARCH FIELD AIRFEST ON                     Bldg. 441, Rm. 12
welcome to attend. Share this invitation    Villa will hold a 3A All Call on Sun-             WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA                        GI Bill briefing:
with your military-connected families.      day, March 6 and March 20 at 1 p.m.                                                       UTA Sundays from 2 to 22:45 p.m. in
Last year they hosted children from         in the Cultural Resource Center. This         The March Field AirFest Website          Bldg. 441, Rm. 12
throughout the Southern California          will give each of you the opportunity      is now live at http://marchfieldair-           In-processing (technical school):
area. Complete the online registration      to meet her and have a two-way discus- Also, like us on            Monday – Friday from 2 – 3 p.m. in
to assist with planning for this event.     sion regarding the wing’s current 3A       Facebook, and follow us on Twitter          Bldg. 441, main office
Children registered by March 4 will         situation, to include personnel moves,     and Instagram for AirFest updates.             For more information, contact Master
receive a certificate from the Office of      loss of positions, other pertinent infor-  Find us on Facebook at March Field          Sgt. Brown at 951-655-4442.
Mayor Eric Garcetti. Registration closes    mation, or anything else you may want      AirFest; on Instagram @MarchFiel-
on April 10th. For more information or      to discuss as a 3A. Maximum partici-       dAirFest; on Twitter @MarchAirFest.            SARC HOSTS FREE MIND
to register, contact Deborah J. Hayes,      pation of all 3As is highly encouraged.    Join the conversations!!                    BODY RESILIENCY CLASSES You           It’s a team effort.
                                                                                             DESERVING AIRMAN                         Are you interested in learning more
may also donate items in support of                 JOINT OFFICER                         COMMISSIONING BOARD                      about the Mind and Body connection
this event, (children’s books, gift cards,         PROFESSIONAL                                                                    and how this can promote better overall
small toys, etc.)                           DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR                                     TO CONVENE                     health? Then come join the interactive
                                                                                          Great News! If you are interested        and informational series of one-hour
RETIREE ACTIVITIES OFFICE                      The Defense Education Forum (DEF)       in becoming an Air Force Reserve of-        classes based on the Benson-Henry In-
      NEEDS VOLUNTEERS                      in conjunction with the Reserve Officers    ficer at Team March, the next Deserv-        stitute for Mind Body Medicine’s Resil-
                                            Association Department of the Golden       ing Airman Commissioning Board will         ient Warrior. Classes are scheduled on
   The March Retiree Activities Office       West with host a Joint Officer Profes-      convene on May 21-22, 2016. If you          the A and B Unit Training Assemblies
is in need of volunteers who can donate     sional Development Seminar (JOPDS)         are interested, and meet the qualifica-      through September 2016. Topics for the
just three hours of their time weekly to    April 22-24, 2016 at the Holiday Inn       tions located on the wing INFO drive        six-part series include
help fellow retirees and their families.    Bayside, San Diego. The Department         - X:\MarchBaseInfo, in the DACB
To volunteer or for more information,       Convention is being held concurrently.     pamphlet, please have your completed           - Stress Reactions and Relaxation
call 951-655-4077/4079.                                                                commissioning packages submitted to         Response
                                               The JOPDS is one of the premier         the 452 FSS/FSMPD (Career Devel-
                                                                                       opment) office not later than close of          - Getting Good Sleep
 DOD-WIDE CHANGES                           professional development opportuni-        business, Monday, May 2, 2016. If you          - Mindfulness and a Positive State of
TO MATERNITY LEAVE                          ties available to our younger officers      have any questions or concerns, please      Mind
                                                                                       feel free to call career development at        - Yin and Yang of Resiliency
The Defense Secretary has approved and is one of the only professional de-             951-655-3113.                                  - Yoga & Journaling

a change to Air Force policy authorizing velopment seminars to emphasize joint                                                                            See BRIEFS page 4

an additional six (6) weeks of Maternity service participation. To date, more

Leave for Air Force Active Duty Airmen than a thousand young officers from

as well as Reserve and Guard Airmen all services have benefited from these

on active duty orders (pursuant to AFI ROA DEF events.
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