Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-20-15
P. 5

Thunderbolt                                             News                                                                                  Nov. 20, 2015  5                                                                                       

Family advocacy, Glendale PD co-op earns honors

6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\$LUPDQVW&ODVV                    allow the victim and family members to live                    Debora Black, Glendale Police Department Chief of Police, Sgt. Patrick
                  RIDGE SHAN                            independently of their abuser.                                 %HXPOHU*OHQGDOHFULPLQDOLQYHVWLJDWLRQVRI¿FHU&DSW6RQMD5DFLWLWK
                      56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     “Having someone to walk them through the
                                                        legal process and let them know there really                   Boden, 56th MDOS commander, pose with an International Association of
   The International Association of Chiefs of           is a light at the end of the tunnel is essential,”
Police and the American Military University             Raciti said.                                                   Chiefs of Police award Nov. 5 at the Glendale Family Advocacy Center. The
Chicago to the Glendale Police Department                  Additionally, partnership with the GPD                      award was presented to both the GPD and the 56th MDOS Family Advocacy
and Luke Air Force Base Family Advocacy                 allows the FAC to more easily direct victims
Center for joint efforts in providing support           through the process of obtaining restraining                   center in honor of joint efforts to support and protect victims of domestic
for victims of domestic abuse.                          and protection orders against aggressors.
                                                                                                                       violence and abuse.
   The award, which was accepted by the                    “If the victim’s abuser continues to pursue
Glendale police and then handed to members              WKHPWH[WWKHPFDOOWKHPRUWKUHDWHQRULQ-
of the Luke FAC in a second ceremony Nov.               timidate them, there is protection police can
5, highlights the cooperation between the of-           offer and we can help the victim get that.”
$GYRFDF\&HQWHUDQGWKHRIÀFHRIWKH'RPHV-                The cooperative efforts of the two advocacies
tic Abuse Victim Advocate here at Luke in               DVGHÀQHGE\DPHPRUDQGXPRIXQGHUVWDQGLQJ
providing resources to care for and protect             a formal agreement of partnership between Luke
military-related victims of domestic violence           and the Glendale Police, is resulting in an effect
and abuse.                                              UHDFKLQJIDUEH\RQGWKHORFDO3KRHQL[FRPPXQLW\

   “Domestic violence is often seriously trau-             “We are looking at creating a like MOU for
matizing and the end result can be deadly,”             Air Force installations throughout the Air
said Capt. Sonja Raciti, 56th Medical Opera-            Force who are interested in how Luke struc-
WLRQV6TXDGURQIDPLO\DGYRFDF\RIÀFHU´:H·YH          tured theirs,” said David Thomas, senior advi-
seen so many victims who have passed away               VRUIRUWKH6H[XDO$VVDXOW3UHYHQWLRQ5HVSRQVH
because they remained trapped in violent                2IÀFHDWWKH3HQWDJRQ
situations with their abusers and could not
ÀJXUHRXWKRZWRHVFDSHµ                                  Air Force leaders are looking at what has
                                                        been accomplished through this partnership,
   The Luke DAVA and Glendale Family Ad-                according to Raciti.
vocacy Center are able to assist victims by
guiding them through legal procedures and                  “Our higher-ups are really looking at how we
providing them with resources such as shel-             work with civilian law enforcement here and
ter, transportation and childcare in order to           are acknowledging this is something we should
                                                        have Air Force-wide,” she said.

                                                                                                    See HONOR, Page 7
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