Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-20-15
P. 7

Thunderbolt                            News                                                                                                                      Nov. 20, 2015                     7                                                                                                          

Winter Flight                      BRIEFS        (from Page 3)
Line Feast
                                   DWWKH/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH([FKDQJH6XSSOLHVDUHSURYLGHG)RUPRUH                   EDUCATION FAIR
Luke Air Force Base Chapel                                                                                                                                           40+ Colleges
WHEN: Wednesday, December 2, 2015  Thrift shop holiday hours                                                                                                                &

               6:00 PM – until        The Luke Air Force Base Thrift Shop will be closed for Thanks-                                                                  Universities
              the food runs out!   giving week Nov. 25 and 27.
 WHERE: Located behind Hangar 914
                                   Thanksgiving Day dinner
               (Same location as      The Ray V. Hensman Dining Facility will host Thanksgiving
         the Chief’s Burger Burn)  Day lunch 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and dinner 4 to 6 p.m. on Nov.
                                   26 in Bldg. 545. A traditional menu will be served. There is no
                                   charge to meal card holders. Active-duty members, retirees and
                                   their dependents are welcome and pay according to what they
                                   select to eat. For more information, call 623-856-6396.

                                   Comprehensive Airman Fitness training

                                      Comprehensive Airman Fitness Training is a three-day course
                                   for Airmen or Defense Department employees who endorse
                                   the resiliency program. Resilience training assistants provide
                                   awareness education and skill development techniques for Air-
                                   men and their families while enhancing individual resilience
                                   across the four domains of CAF: mental, physical, social and

                                   HONOR         (from Page 5)                                                               Thurs, 3 Dec
                                      The advocacies are hopeful the impact their collective work has                                                       Sponsored by the
                                   created will continue to help victims for the foreseeable future.                       CLUB FIVE SIX              56th Force Support Squadron

                                      “We enjoy the great partnership we have between Luke and the                         *Refreshments                  Unit Advisory Council
                                   FLW\RI*OHQGDOHDQGWKLVDZDUGLVMXVWDUHÁHFWLRQRIKRZZKHQZH                   *Giveaways
                                   work together, we create a better community and better services                         *Door Prizes
                                   for the people who serve our country at all levels,” said Debora                        *Advisors Available
                                   Black, GPD chief of police. “Our MOU establishes our partnership

30-Day Tire Price-Match                                                                                                    SERVIC%
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