Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-20-15
P. 10

Nov. 20, 2015                                                             News                                                             Thunderbolt

                                                                                     Luke Exchange keeps

                                                                                     ‘Thanks’ in Thanksgiving

                                                                                        With a quarter of its work force comprised of      VDLG$LOHHQ5LYHQEXUJ/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH([-
                                                                                     military family members, the Army & Air Force         change general manager. “Opening at 4 a.m. on
                                                                                     ([FKDQJH 6HUYLFH LV D WUXH H[DPSOH RI IDPLO\  Black Friday will allow shoppers to give thanks
                                                                                     serving family. As such, the focus on Thanksgiv-      with loved ones and still partake in the savings.”
                                                                                     ing will be on family.
                                                                                                                                              &RPSOHWH GHWDLOV RQ ([FKDQJH %ODFN )ULGD\
                                                                                        “As a part of the military community, the          weekend sales and specials are available at
                                                                                     ([FKDQJH XQGHUVWDQGV WKDW WLPH ZLWK IDPLO\     VKRSP\H[FKDQJHFRP
                                                                                     for both customers and associates, is a priority,”
                                                                                                                                                                                           Courtesy of AAFES

Luke Airmen Cookie Drive

Tues, 8 Dec, Collection at Club 56

7am-9am DRIVE-THRU -Volunteers will meet you at your vehicle in front

9am-1pm INSIDE DROP OFF-Please bring cookies inside to our station

It’s time to start baking (or visit your favorite bakery)! Luke Air Force Base

is collecting cookies from the local community to distribute to Airmen on base.
We need your help! We are in need of holiday cookie donations for our Cookie Drive.
Homemade or store bought favorites will be gratefully accepted. Sorry, we cannot
return containers. To bring cookies on Tues 8 Dec or to volunteer to package on
Wed 9 Dec, please email the event coordinator at:

  Thank you for supporting our Airmen!
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