Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-20-15
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Thunderbolt News Nov. 20, 2015 9
PEOPLE are current or former Airmen, including key pieces of information that should be crowd in taking the “athlete’s oath,” a
FIRST Jordan, were recognized during a Defense LQFOXGHGZKHQGHVFULELQJZRUNH[SHULHQFH tradition that was once repeated by Greek
Department Warrior Care healing arts and education. There’s not a particular warriors before going into battle, with the
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is event Nov. 12 at the Pentagon. desired layout. common goal to compete with their best
compiled from information from the Air Force efforts and push themselves to new heights.
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support The group is among more than 1,100 Personal information should detail your
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight, wounded military members who’ve taken full name, mailing address and day and eve-
9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVWKHFLYLOLDQSHUVRQQHORIÀFHDQG part in a healing arts program since late ning telephone numbers with area codes.
armed forces news services. For the complete story, 2011, when the DOD partnered with the tabid/377/Article/628321/thousands-converge-
go to the web address listed at the end of the story. National Endowment for the Arts to offer
art therapy to recovering troops. Article/628884/sharpening-a-resume-with-pur- for-kadena-special-olympics-2015.aspx
Art therapy helps pose-relevance.aspx
close wounds of vets )DFHERRNRI¿FLDOGLVFXVVHV
Article/628816/art-therapy-helps-close-the- Thousands converge for
As a mortuary affairs Airman, retired wounds-of-air-force-vets.aspx Kadena Special Olympics Lean-In Circles with cadets
Master Sgt. Justin Jordan handled dozens
of bodies of service members, many of whom Sharpen resume with $SSUR[LPDWHO\ YROXQWHHUV IURP $OHDGLQJ)DFHERRNRIÀFLDOUHFHQWO\HQFRXU-
were killed downrange. purpose, relevance different branches of the U.S. military and aged U.S. Air Force Academy cadets to break
the local community helped with the 16th through their personal gender and cultural
But one mission at Davis-Monthan Air Writing a resume for federal employment DQQXDO .DGHQD 6SHFLDO 2O\PSLF *DPHV bias and understand the importance of equal-
Force Base, Arizona, finally made him consideration doesn’t have to be daunting. Nov. 7 at the Risner Fitness Center Sports ity Nov. 6.
crack. Jordan was called to a maintenance &RPSOH[
facility for a deceased male who had been In fact, it’s about providing an applicant’s Sheryl Sandberg, the social media giant’s
fatally run over by a forklift. That male best qualities when it comes to showcasing The games were held as an opportunity FKLHIRSHUDWLQJRIÀFHUVSRNHIURPWKHVWDJH
turned out to be a good friend. workplace responsibilities, education and for more than 850 special needs athletes in Arnold Hall to promote Lean-In Circles,
career accomplishments. and their families within the Okinawan a peer networking program she created that
“That was the tipping point for me,” he FRPPXQLW\WRMRLQ7HDP.DGHQDLQDGD\ has been co-opted by the Defense Department.
said. “Everything I had seen before started .HHSLQJDFXUUHQWUHVXPHKDVDSXUSRVH full of competitive sports and festivities.
pouring into my mind.” DQG VHYHUDO EHQHÀWV IURP EHLQJ DEOH WR Studies show men’s abilities are overesti-
respond and apply for an immediate job The event was off to a loud start when mated, women’s abilities are underestimated,
Jordan said he slipped into a deep depres- posting, to staying abreast of job duties and hundreds of volunteers and spectators men get promoted based on potential, and
sion, became irritable and disassociated, KLJKOLJKWLQJRQJRLQJVLJQLÀFDQWDFWLYLWLHV formed a human pathway to greet and women are promoted based on their accom-
and drank heavily to drown the emotions. cheer on the arriving athletes as they were plishments, she said. Overall, Sandberg told
But, he said, he grew tired of taking bottles “A resume is relevant information to give VKXWWOHGWRWKHÀWQHVVFHQWHU the cadets, women and minorities are “system-
of medication to cope with his post-trau- an employer an understanding of your du- atically underestimated” in any organization.
matic stress disorder. So, he focused on art. WLHVDQGH[SHULHQFHJDLQHGRYHUDQXPEHU The games kicked off with an opening
RI\HDUVµVDLG$QJHOLD6RORPRQWKHVWDIÀQJ ceremony where Brig. Gen. Barry Cornish, “If you look at progress in society, the
Eight wounded warriors, four of whom section chief for the Air Force Personnel 18th Wing commander, and Masaru Ma- military has often led, like you did with de-
Center’s operating location at Robins Air chida, Okinawa Prefectural Government segregation,” she said. “Equality doesn’t just
applicant be clear and precise with informa- general, shared words of encouragement EHQHÀWV\RXµ
tion provided on a resume.” to the athletes.
When writing a resume, there are several During the ceremony, Cornish led the
SOUND “Getting “The turkey. “Candied “It’s a time to
OFF! together with Thanksgiving is yams. I like spend with family.
family after also my birth- anything Everyone comes
being deployed day, making sweet.” together for
last year during it my favorite food and a good
Thanksgiving.” holiday.” time.”
What is your favorite Senior Airman Sgt. Civilian Airman 1st Class
56th Security Forces Squadron Recruiting Station Phoenix 56th Force Support Squadron 56th Fighter Wing
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9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345 SUNDAY WORSHIP
Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor 1-800-533-CURE 8:00, 9:15
Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady
A CFC participant. Provided as a public service. and
10:45 a.m.
Service Times: 7:30 am ɽǣʕ*ˁǔƋǘȭǜƬʁǔɁʁ*ƬnjɁʁƬūÄǢƬʁ *ƬƬƋǒƋʁŘǢȭǜƬʁǔɁʁ*ƬnjɁʁƬūÄǢƬʁ COME GIVE THANKS
Sunday: 8:00 am TO THE LORD!
Phone: 623-486-9007 Prayer 9:45 am Located on the Glendale Municipal Airport at Glendale Aero Services
Fax: 623-486-0246 Worship Service 11:15 am ÀɁǜɁʁƋ˿ƋǚƬăƬŘǜʊƊɁǚnj,ŘʁǜăƬŘǜʊƊFly in for a FREE estimate Sunday School Worship Service 6:30 pm ȴƶǮɍÂɁʁǜǒǚƬȭŘʁŽɁʁ*ǚ˸ƞƖƊǚƬȭƞŘǚƬƙÄŎ 12OG/LWFKILHOG5G
Wednesday: 7:00 pm
Prayer ȴʹʯƖƶʕʹƖʯǮƶǮƊ˹˹˹ƖnjʁŘȭǘʊǔȭǜƬʁǔɁʁƖƋɁȧ