Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
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Thunderbolt                                              Feature                                                                                          13March 18, 2016

                        Thunderbolts support 3-river spring fest

                                                            An estimated 8,000 people attended    the river, fishing clinics, archery, air rifle,  the information/welcome and recycling
                                                         the 2016 Tres Rios Nature and Earth      music, snakes and falcon observations,           booths and assisted with other festival
                                                         Spring Festival March 5 and 6 in         recycling educational activities, and sto-       activities. In addition,Team Luke hosted
                                                         Avondale. The festival included family   rytelling. Team Luke supported the fes-          the main attraction of the festival, the
                                                         friendly activities such as canoeing on  tival with 22 volunteers that managed            annual recycling fashion show.

The festival included fishing clinics along the river’s

Canoe rides were available to festival goers.                                                                                                                                                                                               Photos by robert Tetla

                                                         Madison Lipsky, 6, won first-place in the Tres Rios Festival recycling fashion show held annually. Madison col-
                                                         lected 247 milk cartons at school and spent hours washing, drying, sorting and cutting them to make this one-of-
                                                         a-kind outfit, which is made entirely of milk cartons and masking tape.

Tres Rios, south of Avondale near Phoenix International  Twenty-two Thunderbolts from Luke Air Force Base pro-  The Arizona Falconers’ Association brought falcons for
Raceway, seen in the left and center background, is an   vided support for the two-day event.                   participants to have an up-close and personal experi-
area where three rivers, the Salt, Gila and Agua Fria,                                                          ence with the birds of prey.
converge creating habitats for a diversity of wildlife.
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