Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
P. 12
12 March 18, 2016 Thunderbolt b
Luke Wingman Day Monday SEPA r ATED (from Page 2)
A “Comedy is the Cure” performance, by comedian Exchange gift cards up 1-2-3 method, also known as the “count” to stop behavior method.
Bernie Grenahan, is an innovative prevention program for grabs to shoppers If your child happens to have a tantrum or isn’t listening this is
which focuses on safety, respect, resiliency and bystander a great exercise to try.
intervention. The event is 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. DALLAS — Army & Air Force Exchange
Monday at Club Five Six. Service shoppers don’t have to be top-tier col- This exercise helps your children to learn, think and take re-
lege athletes to have a shot at a slam dunk sponsibility for their actions. Doing this sends the message that
Civilians and contractors are welcome and encour- this spring. your authority is not negotiable before you act with a consequence.
aged to attend. Master resiliency trainers will be This consequence doesn’t necessarily have to be a big thing. It can
available with resources and materials. From now until April 7, authorized shoppers simply be redirecting your child toward doing something else, like
can enter to win a $500 Exchange gift card as assisting you with putting items away or reading a book with them.
For more information, call Sharon Kozak, 56th part of the NCAA March Madness 2016 Unile-
Fighter Wing Community Support coordinator, at ver Sweepstakes. Thirty lucky winners will be He explained that the more I get involved with my children’s
623-856-2716. chosen by random drawing on or about April 11. lives, the better. I should replace that sense of separation with love
and care, helping to distract that feeling of loneliness.
“We know many Soldiers, Airmen and Mili-
tary family members are all fired up for this Once we finished discussing how I could help my children; the
year’s bracket,” said Air Force Chief Master counselor asked, “How are you handling all this?”
Sgt. Sean Applegate, Exchange senior enlisted
advisor. “That’s why we thought we’d add a Just as I was about to start talking, my face turned bright red. I
little bit of excitement to the proceedings for knew everything I was carrying on my shoulders was about to be
our military shoppers. Our customers are he- lifted from me. I began to discuss my struggles of trying to make
roes – why not offer them a little something sure everything was the same as it was before my husband left. I
extra to make March Madness all the more was so focused on trying to make sure everything was perfect I be-
rewarding?” came overwhelmed and stressed, not only myself, but my kids too.
Authorized shoppers 18 and older may enter He later explained that no matter how much I want things to
at No be the same, they aren’t, and all I can do is make the best of each
purchase is necessary. situation. Not only that, I should find a relaxing hobby that will
help to diminish my stress.
Courtesy of AAFES
I really took what he said to heart. My son is no longer being
antisocial. He’s eating more and being a lot nicer. I still have to
deal with his “terrible-2” moments and my 1-year-old daughter
joining in, but with some redirection, they’re back to normal.
Even when you feel there’s nowhere to turn for help, there’s al-
ways someone who cares and can guide you in the right direction.
There are resources on base to support you in times of need, such
as the Airman and Family Readiness Center, key spouse groups,
first shirts and mental health.
Whether it’s a friend, family member, counselor or writing in a
journal, there are always avenues for help.
You’re not alone.
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