Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
P. 8
8 March 18, 2016 news Thunderbolt b
PEOPLE 134 fighter squadrons across the total fuel for the next day. The sleep process is assigned to headquarters 25th Air Force.
FIRST force from which the Air Force deployed complex and active. As we sleep, there is
33 squadrons to execute operations Desert important internal restoration and recu- Article/688761/domain-on-demand-part-of-air-
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is Shield and Desert Storm. Now there are peration taking place. force-future.aspx
compiled from information from the Air Force only 55 fighter squadrons, he added. The
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- Air Force has nearly 240,000 less total AF continues to pursue
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness force Airmen than during those opera- Article/690605/sleep-is-serious-catch-your-zzzs. total force integration
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel tions.
office and armed forces news services. For the aspx The Air Force continues to make strides
complete story, go to the web address listed at toward total force integration, according
the end of the story. Article/692669/goldfein-optimistic-about-future-of- Domain on demand’ to an annual report submitted to Congress
part of Air Force future March 4.
AF official optimistic airpower.aspx
about airpower future Air Force vice Chief of Staff Gen. David The report is based on recommendations
Sleep is serious: Goldfein told members of 25th and 24th from the National Commission on the Struc-
Equal parts challenge and opportunity Catch your Zzzs Air Forces that the future of the service is ture of the Air Force and focuses on how the
— that’s how Air Force Vice Chief of Staff “domain on demand.” force structure should be modified to best fill
Gen. David L. Goldfein described as the “Beep. Beep. Beep,” the alarm blares. current and future mission requirements, an
current state of the Air Force March 10 Time to get up. Do you hit snooze? Goldfein visited the two Numbered Air area Air Force senior leaders have been vocal
during a Defense Programs Conference in Forces for a firsthand look at the advances about, expressing their desires to continue
Washington, D.C. On average, we spend 33 percent of our they’ve accomplished together in building to expand total force integration.
lives asleep. When assessing your overall multi-domain synergy between Air Force
“As I stand here today, I could not be health, have you considered your sleep intelligence, surveillance and reconnais- “We are one Air Force,” said Air Force
more optimistic about our future,” Gold- habits? sance, and cyber forces. Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III. “We’re
fein said to the defense industry audience. committed to this idea and it’s foundational
“Your Air Force today is too small, too Sleep hygiene, as researchers call it, A day full of intense briefings demon- to the way we present our capabilities. We’re
old, less ready and out of balance for the involves a variety of different behavioral strated that synergy to the general, who not going to be operationally successful any
challenges that we as a nation are going practices which are necessary for quality commented that his visit was very timely. other way.”
to face for the next decade to two decades sleep and full alertness during waking
and what the Air Force brings to the joint hours. He explained that we first used nuclear The service recently completed an inten-
team … but also, as I stand here today, we deterrence as an offset strategy to protect sive analysis of all Air Force primary mis-
have unlimited opportunity right now.” “One of the most beneficial ways to our national security during the Cold War sion areas. The analysis provided active and
ensure a healthy lifestyle is to prioritize with the Soviet Union. The second offset air reserve component force-mix options
Most of America, he said, still remem- your sleep, the same as you do your best strategy was stealth and precision, capably and reliable data to inform future acqui-
bers the Air Force of Operation Desert eating and exercise habits,” said Maj. demonstrated during the first Gulf War. sition decisions. As a result, more than a
Storm. It was a time when there were Jaime Harvey, chief of Human Factors and dozen force-mixing recommendations were
Operational Safety Issues, Headquarters During his visit to the 25th Air Force, carried into the fiscal year 2018 strategic
Air Force Safety Center. “And one of the Goldfein took time to “coin” three out- planning process.
key ways you can do that is by trying your standing Airmen: Capt. Andrew, a flight
best to maintain a regular wake and sleep commander assigned to the 70th ISR
pattern, every day of the week.” Wing; Staff Sgt. Elizabeth, a unit deploy- Article/691270/air-force-continues-to-pursue-
ment manager assigned to the 363rd ISR total-force-integration.aspx
The ABCs of Zzzs WG; and Staff Sgt. Salvatore Guerriero,
Sleep allows our bodies to rest and re- an executive communications technician,
SOUND “It’s a time “It makes me “Reminds me of “It means en-
OFF! for people to reflect on my my childhood. tertainment and
gather and childhood My grandpa relaxation, hav-
What does enjoy the day looking for that made corned ing a good time
St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick beat lucky four-leaf beef and cab- while hanging out
mean to you? Why? the snakes out clover.” bage, and we with friends and
of Ireland with would watch family.”
a shoe.” them dye the
river green.”
Senior Airman Senior Airman Airman 1st Class Airman 1st Class
56th Comptroller Squadron 56th Medical Operations Squadron 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron
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“A House of Prayer for All People”
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Antioch Church of God in Christ
9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345
Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor
Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady
Service Times:
4.25” ADPrayer 7:30 am SPACE
Phone: 623-486-9007 8:00 am
Fax: 623-486-0246 Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:15 am Worship Service 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 pm
Bible Study
A CFC participant.
Provided as a public service.