Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
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4 March 18, 2016                              spotlight                                                                                   Thunderbolt

MXG shines light on 2015 best

   The 56th Fighter Wing 2015 Mainte-        Gardner, 54th AMXS                       Technician: Senior Airman John Stewart,
nance Professional of the Year Banquet       Supervisor: SSgt Eduardo Hernandez,      56th AMXS AETC
was March 5. The theme was Tutum Et          54th Maintenance Squadron                Civilian technician: Terry Nelson, 56th
Certa (Safe and Reliable). The banquet rec-  Manager: Senior Master Sgt. Donald Cor-  EMS AETC
ognized the following outstanding perform-   riere, 54th FG                           Technician supervisor: Staff Sgt. Jef-
ers across all maintenance career fields:                                             fery Hunt, 56th AMXS (PCS)
                                             Leo Marquez                              Technician supervisor manager: Mas-
Maintenance professional                                                              ter Sgt. Carlos Villanueva, 49th AMXS
                                             Technician: Senior Airman Nickolas St.   Company grade manager: Capt. Talon
Airman: Senior Airman Teresa Nowak,          Amour, 54th Maintenance Operations       Pope, 56th CMS AETC
54th Maintenance Operations                  Technician supervisor: Tech. Sgt. Ko-
NCO: Staff Sgt. Aleksandr Dolgikh, 61st      reco Moorer, 314th Fighter Squadron      General Lew Allen Jr. Trophy
Aircraft Maintenance Unit                    Supervisor manager: Master Sgt. Rob-
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Charles Loftus,      ert Bogie, 56th EMS                      Senior NCO: Master Sgt. James Yount,
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron          Company grade manager: 1st Lt. Fal-      56th AMXS
Company grade officer: 1st Lt. Fallynne      lynne Wright, 54th MO                    Officer: Maj. Wesley Wade, 56th MXG
Wright, 54th MO                                                                       Crew chief : Tech. Sgt. Robert James,
Civilian (Category I): William Biggs,        Munitions                                56th AMXS
56th EMS                                                                              AMU: 310th AMU
Civilian (Category II): Garth Alexander,     Field grade manager: Maj. Jessica Wil-
56th Component Maintenance Squadron          liams, 56th AMXS AETC

Support professional                          Cash Payments & TRICARE Insurance Accepted                                                          Photos by Airman 1st Class ridge Shan

Airman: Senior Airman Bailey Busby,           Worried                                     New                         The attendees of the 2015 Maintenance
54th MO                                       About a                                   Patients                      Professional of the Year banquet listen
NCO: Tech. Sgt. Brandon Savage, 56th          Mole or Spot?                           of All Ages                     as speeches and presentations are made
AMXS                                                                                  Welcome                         March 5 at Luke Air Force Base. At-
Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Ian Snowsill,         Same Day                                   Infants                      tendees included maintenance Airmen,
56th Maintenance Group                        Dermatology                               Through                       personnel and their families. Members
Civilian (Category I): Mark Palmer,           Appointments                              Seniors                       of the Luke Air Force Base Honor Guard
56th CMS                                                                                                              presented ceremonial honors during the
Civilian (Category II): Michael Dodge,                                                                                singing of the national anthem and the
56th CMS                                                                                                              POW/MIA ceremony.
Load crew: Crew 93, 425th AMU, Military Ex-
pert 2Toh and Military Experts 1 Neo and Lim                                                             LIFE HAS TAUGHT HIM THINGS
                                                                                                         NO CLASSROOM COULD.
Technician: Senior Airman Nicholas


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