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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                     March18, 2016
                                                                                                                                                    Vol. 16, No. 11

 SecAF visits Luke, 3
 MPOY awards, 4
 CONS exercise, 6
 Blood drive, 7
 Tres Rios, 13
 Holy week, 15

       15 days
      until the

Luke afB
aIr Show

 Celebrating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Staff Sgt. Darlene Seltmann
     75 years
                                               Luke Air Force Base members and local media witness the arrival of Luke’s first F-35 Lightning II March 14, 2014. Monday
 of air power                                  marked the two-year anniversary of the F-35 at Luke. For more photos, see Page 12.

INDEx                                          Two-year anniversary since Lightning struck Luke

Action line ............................. 2                    by Staff Sgt.                      FW chief of safety, started out as an F-35 test  utilize our expertise in training, airspace,
Briefs..................................... 3            MARCY COPELAND                           pilot in 2008 and became the first active-       ranges, weather and infrastructure of the
Spotlight ................................ 4                                                      duty Air Force fighter pilot to surpass 500      West Valley and catapult the Air Force
Diversions ........................... 16                       56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  flight hours in the F-35. His first two years    and our F-35 partner nations into the
Sports.................................. 19                                                       in the program were primarily focused on         fifth generation strike platform training
                                                  This month marks the two-year anniver-          planning and designing future course mate-       environment,” Hayden said. “At even the
quotE of thE wEEk                              sary of the unveiling of the first F-35 Light-     rial, with much time spent in the simulators     early stages of Luke’s F-35 training you can
                                               ning II to arrive at Luke Air Force Base.          and meetings with engineers.                     already see the far-reaching impact on the
   “One of the most important steps                                                                                                                Air Force and the entire F-35 enterprise.”
in traumatic brain injury treatment               The arrival of the F-35 ushered in a new           “My first flight didn’t happen until 2010.
is rest, which allows the brain to             era of operational and mechanical training         It was a very smooth transition because             The F-35 is expected to be in service for
physically and mentally recover,               for the base whose primary mission for the         of all the time and preparation that went        the next 40 to 50 years. Hill AFB, Utah, and
and removes the risk of suffering              past 34 years has been to train the world’s        into my first flight,” Hayden said. “So, as I    Eglin AFB, Florida, are both scheduled to
another concussion while the brain             greatest F-16 pilots.                              concluded the mission that pushed me over        reach initial operational capability in 2016.
is healing.”                                                                                      the 500-hour mark earlier this year, I felt
                                                  “The F-35 will be the backbone of future        blessed to have had an opportunity to be            It takes thousands of Airmen, both on
                  Karen Guice, M.D., M.P.P.    joint and combined air operations,” said           involved in the program in various stages        and off the flightline, to support the critical
       Principal Deputy Assistant Secre-       Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing          and in different roles. I’m excited there are    mission of training the world’s best F-35
       tary of Defense for Health Affairs      commander. “As the F-35 draws closer to            so many of my fellow pilots at Luke who are      pilots. Pleus is proud to have watched his
                                               reaching initial operating capability, we          very close to the same personal milestone        team actively take on this new mission and
wEathEr                                        will continue to train with our partners to        in their F-35 flying experience, but also        drive it forward into the future.
                                               operate seamlessly as a team in theatre.           excited to see the program blossom with
                 Today                         Luke will carry on the vital role of produc-       so much success.”                                   “We’ve taken tremendous steps forward
                                               ing the world’s greatest, and most lethal,                                                          the last two years developing the joint
             89°/55°                           F-35 fighter pilots.”                                 After watching the F-35 program evolve        strike fighter program and made history as
                                                                                                  over the past eight years Hayden says he         we hit important milestones for the F-35,”
                       Sunny                      Since its initial arrival, the F-35 program     thinks the future of the F-35 program at         Pleus said. “From training our first class
                                               has grown rapidly. Over the last two years         Luke is promising and exciting.                  of F-35 student pilots, to welcoming new
                                               6,100 flight hours and 4,125 sorties have                                                           international partners at Luke, the hard
                                               been flown. There are currently 35 F-35s              “Training fighter pilots has been the         work and ingenuity of our Airmen, and the
                                               at Luke with 144 scheduled to be on the            cornerstone of the Luke mission for years,       overwhelming support of the community
                                               ramp by 2024.                                      and the transition to the F-35 enables us to     has made these successes possible.”

                                                  One pilot, Lt. Col. Matthew Hayden, 56th

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