Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
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Thunderbolt             news                                                                                                            March 18, 2016  5                                                                                   

It’s a gas ...                                                           BrIEfS  (from Page 3)                         offering free golf clinics and tournaments
                                                                                                                       for single Airmen 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, April
                                                  An Eglin Air Force     prepared and impromptu speaking, and          17 or May 15 at Falcon Dunes Golf Course.
                                                  Base F-35 Light-       group leadership. Instructional materials     The clinics are limited to 16 students per
                                                  ning II receives       are provided. The cost is $20 to join and $7  clinic and include clubs, range balls, golf
                                                  fuel from a KC-135     per month thereafter. For more informa-       cart, green fee and awards. For more in-
                                                  Stratotanker as-       tion call Lynne Nutter at 623-856-8711.       formation, call 623-535-9334.
                                                  signed to MacDill
                                                  AFB approximately      SOAR commissioning                            Funtastic Friday
                                                  100 miles off the
                                                  Gulf Coast March 2        For Airmen wishing to submit a commis-        The 56th Force Support Squadron Youth
                                                  following the 58th     sioning package for the Air Force ROTC pro-   Center is featuring an Eggstacular Party 6
                                                  Fighter Squadron’s     gram,Scholarships for OutstandingAirmen to    to 10 p.m. today for children ages 6 to 12.
                                                  first successful       ROTC, the submission date to Air Education    The cost is $12 per youth program member
                                                  munition employ-       and Training Command is Sept. 15. Waivers     and $15 per nonmember. Sign-up by noon
                                                  ment at a nearby       are due Sept. 1. For more information, visit  today to receive a door prize ticket. For
                                                  range. Airmen from     the education center or call 623-8656-7722.   more information, call 623-856-7470.
                                                  the 33rd Fighter
                                                  Wing were able to      Airman’s Attic Open Ranks                     Teen flashlight egg hunt
                                                  complete modifica-
                                                  tions to the aircraft  Day                                              The 56th Force Support Squadron Youth
                                                  ahead of schedule                                                    Center is featuring a teen flashlight egg hunt
                                                  to enable the use         Open Ranks Day is 9 to noon Saturday       at 8 p.m. today for teens ages 13 to 18. There
                                                  of inert munitions     at Airman’s Attic, Bldg. 750. All ranks are   is no cost. Teens are encouraged to bring a
                                                  instead of simu-       invited to take home free items. For those    flashlight, a basket and a friend or two for an
                                                  lated weapons,         who would like to donate, bring the items     exciting evening of egg hunting in the dark.
                                                  advancing the fifth-   to Airman’s Attic during hours of operation.  Lots of treats in eggs to be found including
                                                  generation fighter’s   For more information, call 623-856-6415.      golden eggs that entitle the finder to a prize.
                                                  syllabus and ensur-                                                  For more information, call 623-856-7470.
                                                  ing pilots receive     Inside out, upside down
                                                  the most compre-                                                     Eggstravaganza — a famiy
                                                  hensive training          Inside out and upside down is an ongoing   event
                                                  before they support    drop-in group to help participants deal with
                                                  a combat-coded         anger, frustration, irritation and more. The     The 56th Force Support Squadron is
                            Capt. Hope Cronin F-35 unit.                 class is 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays beginning       featuring a family event 10 a.m. to noon
                                                                         March 28 at the Behavioral health clinic      Saturday at the youth center for children
                                                                         on the second floor of the medical clinic.    to age 12 and parents. The event is free.
                                                                         For more information, call James Yang-        Bounce houses, carnival games, face paint-
                                                                         Hellewell at 623-856-3417.                    ing, crafts, music and egg hunts with treats
                                                                                                                       in all the eggs and special prize eggs. For
                                                                         Single Airmen free golf                       more information, call 623-856-7470.

                                                                            The Recharge for Resiliency program is

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