Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
P. 6
6 March 18, 2016 Feature Thunderbolt b
CONS exercise
offers deployment insights
Photos by Senior Airman Devante Williams
Simulated opposing forces, played by the 56th Security Forces Squadron, fire simulation rounds at 56th Contracting Squadron Airmen during a 56th CONS Operation Wal-
rus: Wartime acquisitions logistics and random unorthodox scenarios exercise March 2 at Luke Air Force Base. CONS Airmen responded to an ambush when they were
conducting a purchase from a foreign merchant.
A 56th Contracting Squadron Airman assists another CONS Airmen speak with a foreign merchant during the
with MOPP gear during the exercise. The Airmen were exercise. In this scenario, each team needed to speak
exposed to simulated toxic gas, for which they had to with the merchant and come to agreement on the price
don full MOPP Level 4 gear to protect themselves. of the merchandise.
SFS prepare for a simulated ambush on a meeting of CONS Airmen and a local merchant. Master Sgt. Joseph Freeland, 56th Contracting Squad-
ron specialist, and Senior Airman Justin Mroz, 56th
CONS contracting administrator, completes an unau-
thorized request form as part of the exercise.