Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
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Thunderbolt news March 18, 2016 7
Exchange backs ‘Buddies’ with offers, savings
STREET BEAT DALLAS — The Army & Air Force Applegate, Exchange senior enlisted
Exchange Service strives to make it advisor. “That’s why we provide a way
The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled of an individual with suicidal gestures. Contact easy for shoppers to exercise their for them to get the latest deals, direct
the following incidents March 7 through 13 at was made with the individual who was deter- benefit. from the source, with a minimum
Luke Air Force Base: mined to need additional care. Medical services of fuss. Just sign up on our secure
and the unit were contacted and took control. That’s why the Exchange brings website and start getting weekly
Tickets exclusive offers directly to shoppers’ updates.”
Nonemergency responses inboxes every week when they sign
Security forces issued citations for 35 mov- up for the Exchange Buddy List. The Buddy List delivers emails
ing violations and five nonmoving violations. March 9: Security forces responded to a Shoppers who sign up will be among about worldwide and local promo-
warrant’s hit at South Gate Visitor Center. the first to find out about exclusive tions to approximately 134,000
Traffic-related incidents The individual was searched with negative savings, promotions, events and authorized Exchange shoppers.
findings. Peoria police arrived and took control. special offers at their local Exchange. Customers interested in receiving
March 11: Security forces responded to a these messages can sign up at their
report of a minor vehicle collision with a fixed March 9: Security forces responded to a war- “Shoppers should not have to hunt local Exchange.
object. There were in injuries. rant’s hit at Kachina Gate. The individual was to find information on promotions
searched with negative findings. The Maricopa and events at their local Exchange,” Courtesy of AAFES
Emergency responses Sherriff’s Office arrived and took control. said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Sean
March 7: Security forces responded to a re- Alarm activations BLOOD DRIVE!
port of a medical emergency at the commissary. March 2016
The individual was transported to a nearby Security forces responded to eight alarm
hospital for further treatment. activations on base. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN, THAT’S WHERE YOU COME IN.
Please come out & help Luke AFB give the gift of life!
March 8: Security forces responded to a Tip of the week
report of a medical emergency at a dormitory. One donation can save up to 3 lives!
Security forces identified an individual who Criminals work together. One comes to the
appeared to be dazed and disoriented. The in- front door to distract the occupant while the When and where? How to Donate:
dividual was transported to a nearby hospital other sneaks into the home. Be wary of anyone • Thursday
for further treatment. who approaches the front door and tries to • Make an appointment at:
keep you occupied for too long a time. Ask for – Noon to 4 p.m. 56th EMS, Bldg. 859 parking,
March 10: Security forces responded to a an ID of anyone claiming to be an employee of lot "Donate Blood" tab,
report of a medical emergency at a dormitory. a legitimate business or service provider. Sponsor Code "LAFB“
An individual was experiencing chest pains. – 1 to 5 p.m. 56th CMS, Bldg. 917 parking lot
The individual was transported to a nearby Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Christopher Washburn – 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 607th ACS, Bldg. 1383 • “Walk-ins” are welcome
hospital for further treatment. 56th SFS • Or call 1-877-USB-HERO
parking Lot
March 11: Security forces responded to a report • March 25 Eligibility:
– 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 61st FS & 56th OSS, parking
lot across from Bldg. 859 f/BS300L-UBS.pdf
• March 29 Questions:
– 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 56th CES, Bldg. 343
parking lot, Wednesday, March 30
– 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 56th MDG, Bldg. 1145 rnMore.aspx
parking area Or call, United Blood Services,
at 800-288-2199, x5497
Our thank yGouOto tOhe bDraYveEmAen RandBwAomLenLwPhAo seRrvKe our country!
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat FREE
March 2016 1 2 3 4 5 tAicnkyegta*me
All game dates, times, opponents CIN CLE CIN SF SF Active duty, retired
and promotions are subject to change. 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 military and Guard/
Reserve personnel
6 B 7 8 9 10 11 12 are eligible for one
1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 7:05
13 MIL 14 TEX 15 KC 16LAA 17 CLE 18OAKB 19 CHI FREE ticket in
1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 7:05 Outfield Box,
Outfield Reserved
or Berm seating and
20 ARI 21CWS 22 CHI 23 KC 24LAD 25COL 26 CLE FF may purchase up to
1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 7:05 1:05 1:05 4 additional tickets in
those sections at the
group rate.
27 286 29 30 31 Home Home *Offer available at Goodyear
Ballpark Ticket Office only.
MIL MIL SEA CWS CIN Valid ID required. Ticket
1:05 7:05 6:05 1:05 12:05 discounts and promotions
may not be combined. Veteran
discount also available.
1933JaSs.oBnaKllippanirskBWobabyle, hGeoadoGdiyveeaawr,aAy Z(fi∙rstg2o,0o0d0yfeanasr) ∙ 623.882.3120
Joey Votto Bobblehead Giveaway (first 2,000 fans)
B Brunch at the Ballpark 10 a.m. to noon. Adults, $50; Children ages 3-12, $35.
Fireworks Night
FF Fan Fest Adults, $25; Children ages 3-12, $10.
6.5” AD More promotion days and ticket information available online