Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-18-16
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Thunderbolt news March 18, 2016 9
florida Korea Southeast Asia
The 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Osan Air base was tested March 10 when Vice president Joe Biden and his wife,
Regiment’s recently visited Eglin South Korea and U.S. military branches Dr. Jill Biden, met with more than 1,000
Air Force Base to conduct close-air banded together in a multi-service, multi- service members assigned to the 380th
support exercises with a pair of F-35 cultural, chemical detection and decon- Air Expeditionary Wing and their coalition
Lightning II fighter jets. The Army and tamination exercise scenario during Ex- partners from five nations March 7 at an
Air Force have a long history of work- ercise Beverly Midnight 16-01. undisclosed location in Southwest Asia.
ing together to dominate the sky and
ground in combat. Afghanistan
A small group of Train Advise Assist
Command–Air advisors make up the
441st and 442nd air expeditionary
advisory squadrons at Kandahar Air-
field. Both squadrons are focused on
working with the Afghan air force to
develop a professional, capable and
sustainable air force.
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