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7UDLQWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)DQG)ÀJKWHUSLORWV                                                                                                  Sept. 25, 2015
                                                                                                                                                        Vol. 15, No. 36

 INSIDE                                               Airman’s son survives brain tumor

STORIES                                               by Senior Airman
„ Drug take-back day, 3                                   GRACE LEE
„ A1C leads Luke Airmen, 4
„ Fire prevention week, 5                                                                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                                     Courtesy photo
„ Suicide prevention, 7
„ New military star card, 10                             Every once in a while there are moments that change ev-                         Jaycee Boyer, wife of Tech. Sgt. Tim Boyer, 56th Fighter Wing Pub-
FEATURE                                               erything. For one mom and dad, it was learning they might                          lic Affairs media operations NCO in charge, comforts Paul, 2, after
                                                      lose their 2-year-old son, Paul.                                                   his surgery on his brain due to a tumor.
                         Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan
     EOD SHARPENS SKILLS                              liked to camp out there sometimes. There was a loud shriek
                                                      and when Tech. Sgt. Tim Boyer, 56th Fighter Wing Public
                                       See Page 12    Affairs media operations NCO in charge, and his wife Jaycee,
                                                      ran to the bedroom, they found Paul having a seizure.
                                                         “When I turned the corner to his room, it was really obvious
Action line ............................. 2           Paul was having a seizure even though I had never seen one
Briefs..................................... 3         in person,” said Jaycee, a stay-at-home mom. “Our 7-year-old
Spotlight ................................ 4          daughter, Jenell, dialed 911, the paramedics came and then
Diversions ........................... 20             we were taken to the emergency room.”
Sports.................................. 23
                                                         Initially, doctors believed Paul had suffered a febrile sei-
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                     zure, a convulsion caused by a fever in small children, until
                                                      they noticed a bruise on his head caused by a fall Paul had
   “Seeking out and accepting a new                   two days earlier.
challenge is what we need to do to
progress as successful leaders. We                       The doctor ordered a computerized tomography scan and
must continually push ourselves to                    found what they thought at the time was a cystic mass. Paul
conquer our self-doubt and optimize                   was then transferred to Banner Thunderbird Medical Center
our productivity. Too much comfort                    for further evaluation.
in your life can lead to complacency
which results in mediocrity and sub-                     “They found a tumor and not a cystic mass,” Tim said. “But
standard performance.”                                WKHLU SHGLDWULF QHXURVXUJHRQ ZDVQ·W JRLQJ WR EH EDFN IRU D
                                                      week, so Paul had to be transferred again, and at that time
             Master Sgt. Pablo Vales                  P\ZLIHDVNHGIRUKLPWREHWUDQVIHUUHGWR3KRHQL[&KLOGUHQ·V
                   WK0HGLFDO*URXS                 +RVSLWDOµ

WEATHER                                                  $WWKH3&+IXUWKHUHYDOXDWLRQVZHUHPDGHEHIRUH3DXOZDV
                                                      referred to Dr. David Adelson, one of the best neurosurgeons
                 Today                                LQKLVÀHOG

             98°/79°                                     “One of the doctors said it looks to be a dysembryoplastic
                       Sunny                          KDYHµ -D\FHH VDLG ´7KDW QHXURVXUJHRQ VDLG ¶,·P JRLQJ WR
                                                      UHIHU \RX WR D FROOHDJXH EXW KH·V RXW RI WRZQ ULJKW QRZ VR

                                                                                                                  See SURVIVES, Page 18

                                                      F-35 mission continues to evolve

                                                         6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\6WDII6JW                  operational in June and the 62nd Fighter       F-35s by the end of 2015 and be fully op-
                                                                    STACI MILLER                         6TXDGURQ UHFHLYHG LWV ÀUVW SULPDULO\ DV-  erational by the end of 2017. They will be
                                                                                                         signed aircraft in August.                     home to Norwegian and Italian jets.
                                                                       56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
                                                                                                            “The 61st FS is up, running and fully          “The two Norwegian jets are expected to
                                                         $VWKHZRUOG·VSUHPLHUH)/LJKWQLQJ,,      operational,” said Lt. Col. David Lercher,     arrive before the end of the year,” Lercher
                                                      training base, Luke Air Force Base is con-         56th Fighter Wing F-35 division chief. “In     VDLG´:HVKRXOGH[SHFWWKHÀUVW,WDOLDQMHWV
                                                      stantly growing and improving to provide           order to be considered fully operational the   to arrive in spring. Eventually, the 62nd
                                                      state-of-the-art training for F-35 pilots and      squadron must have 24 primarily assigned       )6ZLOOKDYHVHYHQ1RUZHJLDQMHWVDQGÀYH
                                                      maintainers.                                       aircraft.”                                     Italian jets.”

                                                         The F-35 is an aircraft with an interna-           At the moment, the 61st FS is home to          Construction on the 63rd Fighter Squad-
                                                      tional footprint unlike any other in history.      two Australian jets and will receive many      ron is in the works and should be open by
                                                      Currently, Luke has two F-35 squadrons             more.                                          the end of 2016.
                                                      but will eventually be home to six squad-
                                                      rons, all housing partner nations.                    “The Australians will have 12 jets here        ´7KHUGVKRXOGJHWWKHLUÀUVWDLUSODQH
                                                                                                         by the middle of 2019,” Lercher said.                                     See F-35 MISSION, Page 15
                                                         The 61st Fighter Squadron became fully
                                                                                                            The 62nd FS is on track to have eight

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