Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 6

September 25, 2015                       NEWS                                                                                                                     Thunderbolt

Luke honors POW/MIAs

           6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                      have I forgotten those who were at the time             Luke Air Force Base Airmen salute as Taps plays during the POW/MIA Recognition
              Senior Airman                         prisoners, missing in action or unaccounted             Day Retreat ceremony Sept. 18 near the wing headquarters building.
                GRACE LEE                           for. I gain solace every day when I go out to
                                                    SXWP\ÁDJXSLQUHPHPEUDQFHRIWKHPµ                  Gen. Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing com-              the extraordinary folks who have come before
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                           mander, thanked Toliver and thanked the 72            XVZKR·YHHQGXUHGXQLPDJLQDEOHKRUURUVDW
                                                       Approximately 1,741 military members                 Airmen who stood watch over the POW/MIA               the hands of our enemies. Through courage,
   Airmen gathered to attend the annual             are currently on the list of missing or unac-           ÁDJLQWKHKRXUVEHIRUHWKHFHUHPRQ\              resilience and determination they returned
POW/MIA Recognition Day Retreat cer-                counted for, Toliver said. There are more                                                                     home to be with their loved ones, but more
emony Sept. 18 as the last Airman stood             than 41 million men and women who have                     ´,·G OLNH WR WKDQN HDFK DQG HYHU\ RQH RI  importantly, they returned home to a grate-
E\WKH32:0,$ÁDJLQIURQWRIWKH/XNH            served in the military since the American               them for the time and dedication they showed          IXOQDWLRQ7RGD\ZHUHDIÀUPRXUJUDWLWXGH
Air Force Base wing headquarters building.          Revolution. Of that number, nearly 93,000               standing out here all night long and in the           to all of these folks and the extraordinary
                                                    are missing in action and more than 100,042             heat to watch over our POW/MIA flag,”                 $PHULFDQVWKH\DUH$VZHUHÁHFWDQGKRQRU
   +RXUV EHIRUH WKH FHUHPRQ\  /XNH         are captured or imprisoned. Additionally,               Pleus said. “Today we pause to remember the           WKHVHKHURHVWRGD\LW·VPRVWLPSRUWDQWWKHLU
Airmen took shifts guarding the flag in             more than 650,000 were killed in action and             VDFULÀFHVRIWKRVHZKRKDYHJRQHDQGGLGQ·W          VDFULÀFHVQHYHUEHIRUJRWWHQ7KH\ZHUHLP-
support of the 24-hour vigil leading up to          nearly 310,000 were lost in war. Over 17,000            return. Also, we thank the families for those         prisoned, lost their lives and had experiences
the ceremony.                                       men and women died while prisoners of war,              WKDW GLGQ·W UHWXUQ RU DUH XQDFFRXQWHG IRU     that we can only fathom. We are forever
                                                    and 1,155,000 were wounded in action.                   who are still holding the faith and keeping           indebted to them for their service.”
   The ceremony began with the arrival                                                                      the candle burning. We say thank you to all
RI WKH RIÀFLDO SDUW\ DQG WKH LQYRFDWLRQ E\     “Now despite these statistics, I want to
Chaplain James Lanford, before guest                shout out to the young men and women,
speaker, retired Col. Richard Toliver took          like many of you here today, ‘When I look
African American F-4 pilots to serve under          OHJDF\WKDW\RXDUHDSDUWRIWRGD\·µ7ROLYHU
the famed Tuskegee Airman Gen. Daniel               said. “The things that make me proud and
“Chappie” James.                                    hopeful are that you young people are still
   “As a Vietnam War veteran, I must tell           standing shoulder-to-shoulder to get the job
you, that this is very close to my heart,” To-      done. Men and women from every ethnic
liver said. “Forty two years ago I was blessed      group, from every social background and
to be able to come home to my wife and my           more, are standing together to carry on the
family. I will not forget the afternoon I got       great legacy of those we honor here today.
on board that aircraft for the long journey         And despite the skeptics and the naysayers,
home. As I settled into my seat, I closed my        I believe as a man of faith that God is still
eyes, and I remembered the 58,000 young             blessing America.”
comrades who were never going to set foot
on American soil again. It was a poignant              After Toliver made closing remarks, Brig.

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