Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 4

September 25, 2015                            SPOTLIGHT                                                           Thunderbolt

Med tech serves Airman by LEADing

         PEDRO MOTA

                       56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                       Airman 1st Class Dylan Vogel                                                                                                                     Courtesy photo
                                                            56th Medical Operations Squadron medical technician
   The LEAD president at Luke Air Force Base                                                                      FROM LEFT: Senior Airman Travis Michael, 56th Force Support Squad-
is also a dedicated family man.                             ´7KDW·VZKHQ,KDGDQHSLSKDQ\µ9RJHOVDLG         ron journeyman, Airman 1st Class Tegan Michael, 56th Communica-
                                                         “Life is too short to worry about small things. I        tions Squadron, and Senior Airman Nathaniel Rodriguez, 56th Opera-
   +H·VDWDOO\RXQJPDQZLWKDVHULRXVQHVVDERXW      get frustrated at times like everyone does, but I        tions Support Squadron, volunteered to load and unload furniture at
KLPWKDWPDNHV\RXWKLQNKH·VROGHUWKDQKHLV         FDQ·WOHWLWERWKHUPH,KDYHWRGHDOZLWKLW,KDYH  the Veteran’s Furniture Center, which stores donated furniture that is
After speaking with him, it becomes apparent             to do what is best for my daughter; she matters          distributed to veterans in need.
his experiences have matured him and allowed             too much for me to do anything dumb.”
KLPWRIRFXVRQZKDWKHZDQWV+LVMRXUQH\KDV                                                                   T-bolts use muscle to aid vets
given him a different perspective on life.                  +H QRZ IRFXVHV KLV DWWHQWLRQ RQ WKH /($'
                                                         FRXQFLOFRPSOHWLQJDEDFKHORU·VGHJUHHPRYLQJ                                        by Retired Lt. Col.
   “I was born in Burbank, California,” said Air-        RQWRKLVPDVWHU·VGHJUHHDQGPRVWLPSRUWDQWO\                                         RICHARD BROWN
man 1st Class Dylan Vogel, 56th Medical Opera-           raising his daughter.
tions Squadron medical technician. “I spent most                                                                                                                            Trilogy Veteran’s Club
of my childhood moving around. I left for Georgia           “Five years from now I see myself as a tech
when I was 9 and graduated high school there.”           sergeant with my little girl being in school,” Vo-          About 30 Luke Air Force Base volunteers have been working with Trilogy
                                                         gel said. “I want to retire as a chief. I just think     9HWHUDQ·V&OXELQ3HRULDWRDVVLVWKRPHOHVVYHWHUDQVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\WR
   Vogel spent his time in high school, playing          there is something about becoming a chief that is        ÀQGWKHLUZD\EDFNLQWRVRFLHW\
soccer and basketball.                                   awesome. I do want to stay in, and I plan on it. I
                                                         believe it will be best for me and my daughter.”            TVC supports these people through a series of volunteer activities. One
   ´$IWHUÀQLVKLQJKLJKVFKRRO,ZDVJLYHQDEDV-                                                                 is to provide a place to live. Most of these residences are unfurnished
ketball scholarship, but I took a year off school                                                                 apartments and volunteers are needed to locate and deliver furniture to
WROLYHLQ+DZDLLZLWKP\GDGµKHVDLG´:KHQ                                                                   the residences.
my grandma became sick, I ended up leaving
for Washington state, where I began playing                                                                          TVC has conducted several furniture drives using rented trucks to pick up
basketball in junior college. My career ended                                                                     DQGGHOLYHUIXUQLWXUHWRWKH9HWHUDQ·V)XUQLWXUH&HQWHULQ3KRHQL[ZKLFK
when I dislocated my elbow.”                                                                                      VWRUHVGRQDWHGIXUQLWXUHWKDWLVGLVWULEXWHGWRYHWHUDQV,W·VHVWLPDWHGWKDW
                                                                                                                  more than 40 22-foot trucks have been loaded and unloaded since June.
   Trying to stay active, he joined the track team
with his friends and received a scholarship to                                                                       The Luke volunteers have also delivered furniture to the apartments,
Southern Utah University.                                                                                                                                                                    See VOLUNTEERS, Page 11

in and decided the military was the best option
after learning I was going to be a father,” Vogel
said. “I felt like I reached a different stage in my
life. Finding out I was having a daughter was

   Vogel described how proud he was when she



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