Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
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Thunderbolt                                      NEWS                                                                                                         September 25, 2015                       7                                                                                                              

Suicide prevention begins with knowledge

          by Airman 1st Class                    “Death by Powerpoint” briefings we re-       willing to go to, whether it be mental                                                             Courtesy graphic
          MALACHI SPELLER                        ceive, what can each of us do to be good     health, a chaplain, military family life
                                                 wingmen and protect the health and           consultant, or a primary care manager. If       or a close family member becoming ill or
                  56th Medical Support Squadron  wellbeing of ourselves and fellow service    there is nothing you can do for the person      passing away.
                                                 members?                                     or the individual is not cooperative and
   September is National Suicide Preven-                                                      wants to attempt suicide immediately,              Ultimately, it is important to remem-
tion Month.                                         There are plenty of ways to help pre-     call emergency services to keep the per-        ber that we depend on each other on the
                                                 vent suicide among our fellow service        son safe.                                       flightline, in the office, in the cockpit,
   Although much of September has                members, but one of the simplest and                                                         and while at home. Strive to put service
passed, it is never too late to bring aware-     most effective strategies is sometimes          It is important to maintain situational      above self when thinking about suicide
ness to suicide prevention. Indeed, re-          overlooked when dealing with a potential     awareness regarding the health and              prevention and awareness by being a
maining vigilant in protecting the health        suicidal peer. Just be a good wingman,       wellbeing of yourself and your fellow           good wingman, shipmate or battle-buddy
and wellbeing of ourselves and our fellow        shipmate, or battle-buddy to that friend,    wingmen. So be on the lookout for warn-         to those around you. Be ever vigilant
wingmen is a 24/7 operation. Although            acquaintance or work partner.                ing signs of suicide. Warning signs can         about the warning signs, and enact the
some perceive suicide prevention to be a                                                      include things like someone giving away         A.C.E. program if needed.
touchy subject, when hearing the statis-            One easy to remember suicide preven-      valuable belongings, dramatic changes in
tics, warning signs and resources for pre-       tion program for military members need-      mood or personality, and passing up on             For more information on crisis inter-
venting suicide, it becomes a life-saving        ing guidance in assisting their brothers     doing things they would usually enjoy do-       vention and suicide prevention, call the
topic if addressed openly and honestly.          and sisters in-arms who exhibit suicide      ing. Situational events can also be a red       Military Crisis Line at 800-273-TALK
                                                 related behaviors is the A.C.E. program.     flag, such as someone recently divorcing        (8255), ext. 1, visit the mental health
   According to the American Foundation          It stands for Ask, Care and Escort.                                                          clinic, or visit the website for the De-
for Suicide Prevention, after cancer and                                                                                                      fense Suicide Prevention Office at www.
heart disease, suicide accounts for more            The first step in the program is for the                                        
years of life lost than any other cause of       peer to ask the person in need directly
death in America. Military members may           if they are currently suicidal or contem-
be at an increased risk for suicide due to       plating suicide. This can take a great
multiple stressors like recurrent separa-        deal of courage, but it is so important
tion from family and friends, frequently         to ask. The second step is to care for
moving to different locations, and work-         the individual in need. You can do this
ing long hours on the job. These factors         by calmly controlling the situation and
can strain family relationships, cause           actively listening to show your under-
physical stress and enhance the risk for         standing. Try to remove any means for
mental burnout.                                  self-injury if possible. The third step is
                                                 to escort the peer in need to whatever
   So the real question is, aside from of        services the individual agrees and is
all of the computer-based training and

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