Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 8
September 25, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
Alaska Washington D.C. Hungary
Three explosive ordnance disposal Defense Secretary Ash Carter honored )RXU)(DJOH¿JKWHUDLUFUDIWDQG
Airmen from the 354th Civil Engi- Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, Army support personnel, assigned to the
neer Squadron at Eielson Air Force Spc. Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler 123rd Expeditionary Fighter Squad-
Base were recently dispatched to for their heroism during an award cere- ron, recently completed a forward
OHQGVXSSRUWWRDYROXQWHHU¿UHGH- mony at the Pentagon Sept. 17. The three deployment to Kecskemet Air Base
partment and Alaska State Troop- men subdued a heavily armed gunman from Campia Turzii, Romania. The
ers. They removed and disposed on a Paris-bound train Aug. 21. 123rd EFS is from the 142nd Fighter
of 65 deteriorating sticks of dyna- Wing in Portland, Oregon, deployed as
mite and other explosives in an part of the European theater security
operation under a defense support package.
Col. John Walker, 39th Air Base Wing
commander, recently announced the
defense secretary’s decision to au-
thorize voluntary departure for family
members of U.S. personnel in Adana,
Turkey, to include Incirlik Air Base. The
DOD continues to evaluate the situa-
tion, and if it’s determined to be safe,
will allow families to return.
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