Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 11
Thunderbolt NEWS September 25, 2015
LEADERSHIP (from Page 2) VOLUNTEERS (from Page 4)
and experience the pride in achieving QRWDOORIZKLFKDUHRQWKHÀUVWÁRRU STREET BEAT
the vision. of the building. With their help more
than 35 veteran residences have been The 56th Security Forces Squadron 6HSW6HFXULW\IRUFHVDQGÀUHÀJKW-
The second part regarding establish- ÀOOHG ZLWK IXUQLWXUH 7KLV FRXOGQ·W handled the following incidents Sept. 14 ers responded to a medical emergency at
LQJWKHSOD\LQJÀHOGLVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\ have been achieved without the Luke through 20 at Luke Air Force Base: Bldg. 1540. Upon further examination it
you hold as a leader. Set your people up volunteers. Their youth, strength, was determined the individual did not
for success, provide top-cover and trust vitality and enthusiasm accomplished Tickets require further examination. Security
them with the authority to execute the more tasks quickly and safely than forces terminated the response.
vision. Trust, the keystone to a mutu- more senior TVC members had been Security forces issued citations for 19
ally dependent relationship, is essential. able to do. moving violations and one nonmoving Nonemergency responses
Empowerment requires and builds trust. violation.
“The addition of Luke volunteers Sept. 16: Security forces responded to
Another consideration, and perhaps to our existing crews has allowed us 7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV a 911 call about a disgruntled individual
WKHPRVWGLIÀFXOWLVDFFHSWDQFH(PSRZ- to increase the number of deliveries at Bldg.1130. Security assumed control
erment cannot be imposed on someone. SHUZHHNDQGEHQHÀWHGWKHZHOOEHLQJ Sept. 14: Security forces responded to of the situation.
of our crews,” said Bill Conner, TVC a report of a minor two-vehicle accident
1RZOHW·VDSSO\WKLVHPSRZHUPHQWLGHD SUHVLGHQW ´,W ZRXOG EH GLIÀFXOW WR at Bldg. 545 parking lot. There were no Sept. 19: Security forces assisted
WRIRUFHGHYHORSPHQWDQGVSHFLÀFDOO\WKH keep the current pace without these injuries. Glendale police who had responded to a
continuum of learning. dedicated volunteers.” report of a verbal dispute in base housing
The continuum of learning is described What is also impressive is the Glendale police assumed control of the
in Air Force Doctrine Document 1-1 as, teamwork demonstrated among Sept. 14: Security forces responded to situation.
“The deliberate process of combining people some 50 years apart in age, a report of a medical emergency at Bldg.
education, training, and experience to working together for a common cause. SURYLGHGÀUVWDLGDQGVHWDFRUGRQ Alarm activations
produce the right expertise and compe- IRUWUDIÀFFRQWUROIRUWUDIÀFFRQWURO7KH
WHQFHWRPHHWWKH$LU)RUFH·VRSHUDWLRQDO ´,·PSURXGWREHLQYROYHGLQDQHI- patient was taken to a nearby hospital Security forces responded to two alarm
needs.” It further states that experience fort to better the lives of other service for further evaluation. activations on base.
is where the synthesis of education and veterans,” said Paul Bernard, TVC
training occur. As NCOs, when we receive member. “Working alongside the Sept. 18: Security forces responded to Tip of the week
new Airmen we are trusting the educa- Luke personnel to provide furniture a medical emergency in base housing,
tion they received has indoctrinated to needy veteran families is especially SURYLGHG ÀUVW DLG DQG FRRUGLQDWHG ZLWK Be aware of your surroundings, and
them into the military and their career gratifying.” medical personnel. The patient was have a plan for emergencies.
specialties. We teach them the skills to taken to a nearby hospital for further
execute the local mission through train- It would be impossible to overstate evaluation. Courtesy of
LQJ 1RZ OHW·V HQULFK WKHLU H[SHULHQFH the value of the assistance that has Senior Airman Brian Lefevere
with empowerment. been provided by the Luke volunteers
to the TVC.
The recipe for empowerment consists
of top-shelf communication and trust, For more information on volunteer-
delicacies enjoyed by the keen. Knowing ing or donating furniture, call Rich-
when to cook-up empowerment and how ard Brown at 623-444-8515.
to serve it is the chef practicing their art.
Pick up your copy of THUNDERBOLT off base at the following locations: