Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 12

Sept. 25, 2015                                                                                                           Thunderbolt

                                                        Operation Enduring Training 2015

                                                        EOD                                                                                                                      EOD
                                                        sharpens skills                                                                                                          bein

EOD Airmen engage in small-unit tactics and live-fire      Story and photos by Airman 1st Class                        dry, flat desert studded by hills, cliff sides and arid   Staf
training at the range. Operation Enduring Training                            RIDGE SHAN                               vegetation.                                               rem
2015 teaches and maintains combat-ready skills to                                                                                                                                ber,
Airmen based at Luke and other nearby installations.                                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     “The range complex does an incredible job of simulat-  3, 20
                                                                                                                       ing the environment of the Middle East,” Riddle said.     min
                                                           Explosive Ordnance Disposal Airmen from the 56th            “All of the problems the teams faced were derived in
                                                        Civil Engineer Squadron at Luke Air Force Base and             some fashion from reports gathered throughout the
                                                        other Air Force units around the region participated in        entirety of the Operation Enduring Freedom campaign
                                                        the third annual EOD combat predeployment training             in Afghanistan.”
                                                        exercise dubbed “Operation Enduring Training” from
                                                        Sept. 3 through 7 at the Barry M. Goldwater Range                 Teams faced scenarios in which they had to find,
                                                        in Gila Bend south west of Luke.                               defuse and destroy both improvised explosive devices
                                                                                                                       and conventional unexploded ordnance commonly
                                                           The exercise maintains combat readiness in EOD              found in enemy weapons caches, all while facing the
                                                        teams by exposing them to the operational tempo ex-            constant threat of simulated enemy attacks and am-
                                                        pected of them in actual combat zones, and simulates           bushes. Additionally, teams spent significant time at
                                                        living conditions, hostile environments and explosive          the firing range to improve individual combat skills.
                                                        threats that deployed EOD Airmen regularly face.
                                                                                                                          “The EOD Airmen involved in this training are
                                                           “The purpose of the training is to reinforce the eas-       given the opportunity to practice and enhance neces-
                                                        ily perishable skills needed in running contingency            sary skills like small-team tactics, live-fire shooting,
                                                        operations in a time where deployments are few and             contingency IED problems, and living and setting up
                                                        far between,” said Senior Airman William Riddle, 56th          a bare fire base,” Riddle said.
                                                        CES EOD team leader and instructor. “The training
                                                        exercises the mental and physical capabilities neces-             As the landscape of today’s wars begins to shift and
                                                        sary to handle high pressure situations.”                      change, the continued benefits of the exercise are ex-
                                                                                                                       traordinarily important to not only EOD Airmen, but
                                                           The multi-day continuous exercise takes place at the        the entire military community, Riddle said.
                                                        Barry M. Goldwater Range in Gila Bend southwest of
                                                        Phoenix. Littered in shells, casings and inert practice           “As the drawdown of combat deployments continues,
                                                        munitions dropped by a wide variety of aircraft over           this training serves to augment skills already learned
                                                        many years, the range is a huge remote stretch of              and teach newer EOD technicians the skills that could
                                                                                                                       ultimately save countless lives.”

Senior Airman Dylan England, 56th CES team mem-         Staff Sgt. Michael Harvaki, 56th CES EOD team leader, naps       The shell is ejected (upper right side of photo)
ber, pilots a remote-controlled robot under the super-  during a break in training Sept. 3 at Gila Bend. Operation En-   rison, 56th CES EOD team leader, fires an M4 a
vision of his team leader, Tech. Sgt. Michael Dove.     during Training 2015 pits EOD Airmen against realistic and gru-
                                                        eling challenges which simulate the hostile environment they
                                                        may encounter in deployed combat zones.
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