Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 13
Thunderbolt Sept. 25, 2015
D Airmen practice marksmanship at the firing range. Training at the Barry M.
dwater Range provides EOD teams the opportunity to practice their skills without
ng deployed.
ff Sgt. Michael Garrison, , 56th CES EOD team leader, demonstrates aspects of a Staff Sgt. Sheldon Shockley, 56th Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Dis-
mote controlled robot to Senior Airman Matthew Ezell, 355th CES EOD team mem- posal team leader, feels for an improvised explosive device buried beneath pebbles
during Operation Enduring Training Sept. 3 at the Barry M. Goldwater Range.
, and Staff Sgt. Sheldon Shockley, 355th CES EOD team leader at Gila Bend, Sept.
015. EOD technicians use robots to deal with explosives whenever possible to
nimize risk to human life.
) as Staff Sgt. Michael Gar- Staff Sgt. Michael Garrison and Staff Sgt. Ryan Stanley, 56th CES Staff Sgt. Michael Garrison and Staff Sgt. Ryan Stanley, 56th CES
team leaders, prepare to approach an IED.
at a target. team leaders, prepare C4 explosives to destroy an IED.