Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
P. 15
Thunderbolt NEWS September 25, 2015
F-35 MISSION (from Page 1)
Chaplain’s thoughts ...
by March of 2017,” Lercher said. “Turkey An Australian F-35 Lightning ll taxies behind a 56th Fighter Wing F-35 Sept. 16.
ZLOO HYHQWXDOO\ ÁRZ LQWR WKH VTXDGURQ The F-35 is an aircraft with an international footprint unlike any other in history. Being a good wingman is one of the central
ZLWK WKHLU ÀUVW DLUFUDIW DUULYLQJ PLG Currently, Luke has two F-35 squadrons but will eventually be home to six F-35 creeds of the U.S. Air Force. Sometimes, it
2018.” squadrons, which will include partner nations. plays out in the most ordinary of circum-
Luke should expect the fourth squad- The PFF opened in March and is oper- 5HFHQWO\ WKH ÀUVW QLQH )V WR DUULYH
ron, which includes the Netherlands and ated by Lockheed Martin. All Luke F-35 at Luke were updated with software to For example, a few years back an outstand-
'HQPDUNHDUO\7KHÀIWKVTXDGURQ student pilots receive gear from the PFF match the more recent aircraft. ing movie was released portraying part of the
will be home to Canada and also open in DQGWKDWJHDULVWKHQXVHGLQGHÀQLWHO\ life of an inner-city middle school teacher.
open in 2022. pilot belongs to. aircraft essentially the same capabilities +H ZDV D PDWK WHDFKHU LQ 0RQWHEHOOR
as the rest of the newer jets,” said Leslie California. The movie was called “Stand and
“Luke will eventually be home to seven ´$OOWKHSLORWVZKRDUHÁ\LQJWKH) )ORUHV /RFNKHHG 0DUWLQ ÀHOG VXSSRUW Deliver.”
partner nation pilots and aircraft and are wearing the exact same gear,” said engineer.
house a total of 144 F-35s,” Lercher said. .HLWK*HOW]6XUYLWHF*URXSVHQLRUÀHOG As a teacher he had an exceptional gift of be-
engineer. “The only difference is the Overall, Luke, just like the aircraft it ing able to reach even the most unteachable of
As advanced as the F-35 is, it still number of items each service or country supports, will continue to change. teens. Along with that gift, he had a tenacious
GRHVQ·WÁ\LWVHOI requests.” spirit that was used in defense of the teens in
“The F-35 is a new weapons system, so KLV FODVV +H VWRRG E\ WKHP LQ WKHLU QHHG WR
The F-35 Academic Training Center Some changes are obvious and involve LW·VFRQVWDQWO\HYROYLQJDQGLPSURYLQJµ learn. As a result, he delivered them from an
will welcome two Italian and two Nor- bright orange construction, while other /HUFKHU VDLG ´,·YH EHHQ ZRUNLQJ WKLV almost certain life of mediocrity.
wegian student pilots and a U.S. Marine changes are more behind the scenes. program for over two years and things
Corps student pilot Sept. 21. The Marine are always changing for the better.” Each day we all have an opportunity to
is here as part of an interservice pilot ex- VWDQGDQGGHOLYHUIRURWKHUVGRQ·WZH":HDUH
change program. The goal of the program all gifted in some extraordinary way. Sharing
is to gain a better understanding and our giftedness with others is a way we, too,
DSSUHFLDWLRQRIHDFKVHUYLFH·VFDSDELOLWLHV can deliver them from lives of mediocrity.
and limitations. Standing by them in their need no matter how
challenging that might be is how we live out
A Norwegian student pilot will be the RXUFRPPLWPHQWWREHJRRGZLQJPHQLVQ·WLW"
WLRQ+HOPHW0RXQWHG'LVSOD\6\VWHP Courtesy of Monsignor Ron Metha
Eventually all F-35 pilots will transition
to the new helmet. The helmet will be 56th Fighter Wing Chapel
created and issued at the new Luke Pilot
Fit Facility.
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