Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                                                       NEWS                                                                                                                  September 25, 2015  9                                                                                                                                                                                        

 PEOPLE                                                Scripts at 877-363-1303 to see if they are                     strategy calls for recruiting and retention of                                   WKUHHWLPHVLQKLVÀYH\HDUVRIVHUYLFH5RODQG
   FIRST                                               affected.                                                      the best people to implement these concepts,                                     graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy
                                                                                                                      the secretary said.                                                              in 2010 and completed the rigorous special
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is           $IWHU2FWEHQHÀFLDULHVVWLOOÀOOLQJDQDI-                                                                                               operations training pipeline in 2012.
compiled from information from the Air Force           fected drug at a retail pharmacy will receive                     7KH VHFUHWDU\ VDLG KLV ´ÀUVW DQG PRVW VD-
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-             another letter informing them of the change to                 cred” commitment is to the current and total                                 
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness             WKHEHQHÀW$IWHUWKDWEHQHÀFLDULHVKDYHRQH                 force: active duty, Guardsmen, Reservists,                                             Article/617223/two-fallen-special-tactics-airmen-
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel       ÀQDO´FRXUWHV\µÀOODWDUHWDLOSKDUPDF\,IWKH\             veterans and their families.
RIÀFH DQG DUPHG IRUFHV QHZV VHUYLFHV )RU WKH  ÀOODWDUHWDLOSKDUPDF\DJDLQWKH\KDYHWR                                                                                                                                  KRQRUHGUHPHPEHUHGDVS[
complete story, go to the web address listed at        pay 100 percent of the cost of their medication.           
the end of the story.                                                                                                    Article/617485/carter-dod-must-embrace-future-to-                             Air Force releases
                                                                                                                                             Future Operating Concept
Changes coming to                                      Article/617348/changes-coming-to-tricare-pharmacy-                                                  UHPDLQEHVWIRUFHDVS[
SKDUPDF\EHQH¿W                                                                                                                                                                                           7RGD\WKH$LU)RUFHRIÀFLDOO\UHOHDVHGWKH
                                                                                                         EHQH¿WDVS[  Fallen special tactics                                                           Air Force Future Operating Concept, which
   Beginning Oct. 1, a new law requires all                                                                           Airmen remembered                                                                is the latest in a series of strategic documents
75,&$5( EHQHÀFLDULHV H[FHSW DFWLYHGXW\           Carter: DOD must embrace                                                                                                                        designed to guide the organizing, training and
service members, to get select brand name              future to remain best force                                       More than 1,000 family members, friends                                       equipping of the force over the coming decades.
maintenance drugs through either TRICARE                                                                              and teammates from around the country
3KDUPDF\+RPH'HOLYHU\RUIURPDPLOLWDU\                7ZR GD\V EHIRUH WKH $LU )RUFH·V WK                 recently gathered to honor and remember                                             The Air Force Future Operating Concept
SKDUPDF\ %HQHÀFLDULHV ZKR NHHS XVLQJ D          birthday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said                    two special tactics Airmen who were killed in                                    VHUYHVDVDFRPSDQLRQGRFXPHQWWR$PHULFD·V
retail pharmacy for these drugs will have to           DWWKH$LU)RUFH$VVRFLDWLRQ·V$LUDQG6SDFH                  action last month in an insider attack.                                          Air Force: A Call to the Future and the U.S.
pay the full cost.                                     Conference and Technology Exposition 2015,                                                                                                      Air Force Strategic Master Plan and seeks to
                                                       that the military must embrace the future to                      As the procession of family members de-                                       answer the question, “Where are we going?”
   Maintenance drugs are those you take regu-          remain the best force.                                         parted the memorial, nearly 2,000 air com-                                       It describes an Air Force that is the product of
larly for a long time, such as drugs to control                                                                       mandos lined the roads and saluted to honor                                      two decades of implementation of the strategic
blood pressure or cholesterol. The law does               7KHGHIHQVHVHFUHWDU\VDLGWKHJDWKHULQJ·V                 Capt. Matthew Roland, from the 23rd Special                                      guidance in A Call to the Future through the
not apply to drugs you take for a short time,          theme, “Reinventing the Aerospace Nation,”                     Tactics Squadron, and Staff Sgt. Forrest Sib-                                    U.S. Air Force Strategic Master Plan.
OLNHDQWLELRWLFVRUJHQHULFGUXJV%HQHÀFLDULHV      could not be more appropriate in the year                      ley, assigned to the 21st STS. Both were killed
living overseas, or with other prescription drug       PDUNLQJ WKH WK DQQLYHUVDU\ RI WKH ÀUVW               Aug. 26 at a vehicle checkpoint near Camp                                           Primarily written for Air Force planners,
coverage, are not affected.                            successful use of combat aircraft.                             Antonik, Afghanistan.                                                            the Air Force Future Operating Concept
                                                                                                                                                                                                       explains how agility applies to Air Force
   The TRICARE pharmacy contractor, Ex-                   7RGD\ KH VDLG LW·V YLWDO WR LQQRYDWH DQG             “There are no words, lessons (or) themes                                      ZDUÀJKWHUVLOOXVWUDWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQRIRSHUD-
SUHVV6FULSWVLVVHQGLQJDOHWWHUWREHQHÀFLD-        reinvest in the people, strategies and tech-                   that could properly memorialize Matt and                                         WLRQDODJLOLW\WKURXJKWKH$LU)RUFH·VÀYHFRUH
ries taking an affected drug, explaining their         QRORJLHVWKDWZLOOVXVWDLQWKH86PLOLWDU\·V                Forrest,” said Lt. Col. Paul Brister, the 23rd                                   missions in 2035.
RSWLRQV %HQHÀFLDULHV FDQ FRQWDFW ([SUHVV         dominance into a second aerospace century.                     STS commander, at the memorial service.
                                                                                                                      “They both lived lives bigger than that. The                                        The Air Force Chief of Staff introduced the
                                                          Just as Russia and China have advanced                      best way we can memorialize them is to live                                      Future Operating Concept during his remarks
                                                       cyber capabilities ranging from stealthy                       life with as much zeal, humor and love as they                                   at a recent Air Force Association Air Force
                                                       network penetration to intellectual property                   demonstrated in theirs.”                                                         Update.
                                                       theft, the defense secretary said, criminal and
                                                       terrorist networks are also increasing their                      5RODQGDVSHFLDOWDFWLFVRIÀFHUDQGWHDP                            
                                                       cyber operations.                                              leader, was a qualified special operations                                       Article/617301/af-releases-future-operating-concept.
                                                                                                                      battlefield commander who had deployed
                                                          But developing the best technology and                                                                                                                                                                   DVS[

 SOUND                                                                   “To see what                                 “The commen-                                                                     “The events              “Anything to do
   OFF!                                                                  family events                                taries. I like to                                                                on base, and             with the F-35
                                                                         are happening                                read people’s                                                                    the ‘Global Air          program – where
 What do you most look                                                   on base for my                               perspectives on                                                                  Force’ page              it’s been and
forward to reading in the                                                kids and me to                               things.”                                                                         – to see what            where it’s going.”
                                                                         do.”                                                                                                                          happens around
   Thunderbolt? Why?                                                                                                                                                                                   the world.”

                           Civilian                                                                               Master Sgt.                       Civilian                                                            Tech. Sgt.
                           PAMELA CARSON                                                                          JEFF SHOCK                        PAM LUM                                                             TRAVIS OBORNY
                                                                                                                  Det. 12, 372nd Training Squadron  56th Force Support Squadron                                         61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit

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                       Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor                                                                                                                                        6LJQ XS RQ RXU KRPHSDJH ZZZDHURWHFKQHZVFRP
                              Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady                                                    :0F'RZHOO5RDGŤ$YRQGDOH$=                                    EHORZ WKH IHDWXUHG KHDGOLQHV LQ WKH ³1HZVOHWWHU 6LJQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                       8S´ER[It’s that easy!
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