Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 9-25-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS September 25, 2015 3
Program gets rid of unused drugs in home IN BRIEF
by Airman 1st Class $PHULFDQVDUHQ·WHYHQDZDUHWKDW Courtesy photo Wingman Day
CORY GOSSETT medicines in their home cabinets
are highly susceptible to abuse Pallets of containers hold pre- Wingman Day is from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday. The picnic
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs and misuse. scription drugs collected and VWDUWVDWDPDWWKHQRUWKHDVWEDOOÀHOGEHKLQGWKH%U\DQW)LW-
subsequently destroyed after ness Center. To address the physical and social domains, events
Luke Air Force Base, in coordi- In cases, the patients might not a previous National Drug Take- are throughout the day. For more information or to sign up, see
nation with the U.S. Federal Drug need to use the entire prescription Back day in Phoenix. In Arizona WKHXQLWVSRUWVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRUÀUVWVHUJHDQW
Enforcement Agency and local law their doctor prescribes or the doc- alone more than 79,800 pounds
enforcement agents, is scheduled tor might change the prescription of prescription drugs were col- Chapel events
to hold a “Drug Take-Back” day to to a different medication and may lected from the previous nine
remove and dispose of potentially no longer need the old pills. The National Drug Take-Back events 7KHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ&KDSHOLVSUHVHQWLQJDÁLJKWOLQHIHDVWDW
dangerous and unused prescrip- “Drug Take-Back” program offers held in Arizona. SP2FWDW%OGJÀUHSLWDGHSOR\HGIDPLO\GLQQHUDWSP
cabinets. these prescription medicines. Intravenous solutions, injections 9 p.m. Oct. 24 a the LCC. For more information, call 623-856-6211.
and syringes (ex: diabetic supplies,
“People can drop off their pre- People may dispose of medica- EpiPen, Lovenox) will not be ac- Veteran training
scription drugs from 10 a.m. to 2 tion in its original container or cepted.
p.m. Saturday at the Luke AFB by sealing it in a bag. All solid The Department of Veterans Affairs is featuring online train-
Base Exchange,” said Senior Air- pharmaceuticals and liquids in con- In the previous nine Take-Back ing courses to assist veterans with a number of issues including
man Joshua Guthrie, 56th Secu- sumer containers will be accepted. initiatives nationwide, 4,823,251 RYHUFRPLQJ OLIH·V FKDOOHQJHV SDUHQWLQJ PDQDJLQJ VWUHVV DQG
rity Forces Squadron investigator. All liquid products should remain pounds of drugs were collected. In anger and irritability. For more information, go to http://www.
“There are no restrictions on what sealed in their container. The de- Arizona alone, more than 79,800
pills are taken. There will be a positor should make sure the liquid pounds were collected.
booth setup to dispose of the medi- is sealed tightly to prevent leaking. Club Beyond
cations.” For more information regarding
According to the DEA, many the National Prescription Drug &OXE %H\RQG LV ZKHUH IULHQGV IXQ DQG IDLWK FRQQHFW +LJK
The National Prescription Drug SHRSOHGRQ·WNQRZKRZWRGLVSRVHRI Take-Back program, call Degoey school-age youth meet at 7:27 p.m. Mondays and middle schoolers
Take-Back initiative addresses unused medications properly. Most at 623-856-6450. meet from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays. Activities are planned for other
essential public safety and public SHRSOH ÁXVK WKHP GRZQ WKH WRLOHW days and times. For more information, call 623-856-6211 or email
health issues. or just throw them away, both po-
tential safety and health hazards.
The partnership for a Drug Free MDG closure
America estimates that there are ´,W·VLPSRUWDQWWRVDIHO\GLVSRVH
more than 2,500 teenagers using of leftover and unused drugs,” said The 56th Medical Group will be closed Oct. 8 for training. MDG
prescription drugs to get high for Staff Sgt. Robert Degoey, 56th SFS will resume normal duty hours Oct. 9. For more information, call
WKHÀUVWWLPH6WXGLHVE\WKH'($ NCO in charge of investigations. “It 623-856-CARE (2273).
show that a majority of abused helps ensure these drugs never hit
prescriptions are obtained from the street.” Luke thrift shop
family and friends and from their
medicine cabinets. There are some restrictions to The Luke Thrift Shop, located at 13975 W. Phantom St. in Bldg.
According to the DEA, many gram. and Friday. Consignments are taken until 1 p.m. For more informa-
tion, go to
‘Launch into health’ at 56th Medical Group fair
Ladies crud tournament
The 56th Medical Group is hosting family members, and TRICARE discover what they are doing right,
WKH´/DXQFKLQWR+HDOWKµKHDOWKIDLU EHQHÀFLDULHV ZKR UHFHLYH PHGLFDO and learn methods to improve health. Teams are now forming for the ladies crud tournament happen-
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct 2 at Club Five care from the 56th Medical Group LQJDWSP2FWLQWKHROGRIÀFHU·VFOXE%OGJ(QWU\IHH
Six. When participants complete a are encouraged to attend. Register online at http://fighter- is $30 per team. The event is open to Luke Air Force Base female
SUHÁLJKW KHDOWK FKHFNOLVW WKH\ EH- and be active-duty members and civilians. For more information or to enter
come eligible to win prizes. Admission is free and the health automatically entered into a prize a team, call Monica Bailey at 719-238-1060.
fair includes healthy cooking demos, GUDZLQJIRUDÁDWVFUHHQ79
MDG is expanding its outreach static displays, educational preven- MPOY golf tournament
this year by partnering with vari- tive screenings and information about For those interested in golf, the
ous medical providers from the moving toward a healthier lifestyle health fair golf tournament is 7 a.m. The 56th Fighter Wing Maintenance Professional of the Year
TRICARE network to pass out as well as fun entertainment for the Oct. 2 at Falcon Dunes Golf Course. banquet golf tournment is 7:30 shotgun start Oct. 9 at Falcon
health information. This is a unique children. Free health screenings will Dunes Golf Course. The cost is $45 per person and includes green
opportunity for beneficiaries to focus on blood pressure, heart rate, For more information on the IHHJROIFDUWUDQJHEDOOVDQGOXQFK7KHUHZLOOEHSUL]HVDQGUDIÁH
meet network providers of specialty KHLJKWZHLJKW ERG\ IDW ÀWQHVV DQG health fair, call Maj. Sarah Cos- tickets. For more information, or to preregister, call Tech. Sgt.
services and MDG staff members. nutrition. Participants will learn sette at 623-856-9394. For more Jackie Childs at 623-856-2182.
All active-duty service members, how to improve health and wellness, information on the golf tournament,
call John Fountain at 623-856-8988. Base service station closure
Courtesy of 56th MDG The base service station will close for end-of-year closeout at
4 p.m. today and reopen at 7 a.m. Saturday. For emergency-only
THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC issues, call 623-856-7392. For more information, call Staff Sgt.
Michael Pane at 623-856-7391.
Fiscal 2015 graduates
MPS closed
61st FS............................................................ 4 314th FS ........................................................ 5
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS.................................................... 123 The 56th Force Support Squadron Military Personnel Section
308th FS ....................................................... 37 607th ACS ................................................. 193 (customer support, force management and career development)
309th FS ....................................................... 36 372nd TRS, Det. 12................................... 290 RIÀFH ZLOO EH FORVHG :HGQHVGD\ 7KH RIÀFH ZLOO UHVXPH QRUPDO
310th FS ....................................................... 45 56th OSS (IFTU)......................................... 47 hours of operation Thursday. For more information, call 2nd Lt.
311th FS ....................................................... 45 Lyndi Minott at 623-856-8383.
+RXUVÁRZQ 6RUWLHVÁRZQ T-Bolts 156 Luke Airmen Hispanic Heritage Month events
F-35 3,169.2 2,026 Deployed are deployed to
12 countries include a piñata making game night for youth 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct.
around the world. 9 at the 56th Force Support Squadron Youth Center and a bake
sale 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Luke Community Chapel. For
more information, call Tech. Sgt. Samuel Jalomo at 623-856-7062
or Deborah Rutledge at 623-856-8502.
Family camp out
The 56th Force Support Squadron Outdoor Recreation is
featuring the Luke Air Force Base family camp out 4 p.m.
Oct. 16 through breakfast Oct. 17. The cost is $10 for a family of four
and $5 for each additional member. Bring a tent or rent a camping
package at ODR for $15. It includes a tent and four sleeping bags. To
make a reservation or for more information, call 623-856-6267.