Page 7 - March ARB Beacon 10-30-15
P. 7
wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb October 30, 2015 7
From spinning records to digital age music
by Charlie Gill Toastmasters. He was responsible for 120 clubs, ap- '0$SKRWR0&6:%LOO\+R
$)1%URDGFDVW&HQWHU proximately 1,600 members in clubs from Barstow to
Temecula and Pomona to Blythe. .HQW3HWHUVRQPHGLDPDQDJHU$)1%URDGFDVW
Walk by this former Air Force NCO’s room at the &HQWHULVDUHWLUHG86$LU)RUFH0DVWHU6JWDQG
American Forces Network (AFN) Broadcast Center in Six years ago Peterson became the AFN Broadcast VRRQWREHFLYLOVHUYDQWUHWLUHH
Riverside and you’ll hear music classics: rock and roll at Center’s Media Manager. He was up to the challenge
its finest -- and maybe, if he’s in the mood, a little Sinatra. of the leap into the digital world. The volume of com- learned a lot from Kent over the years. His rich experi-
munications with suppliers went from approximate- ence and history working in many AFN roles around the
Kent Peterson knows about music. He also knows ly 2,000 in 1999 to over 22,000 in the last year. He world, and his passion for the mission and especially the
about American Forces Network (AFN) history. Pe- worked with more than 200 contacts including those people, have been an inspiration for countless broadcast-
terson started with AFN in November, 1995. In those in media delivery, finance and contracting offices. Pe- ers, programmers, producers and fellow managers,” Ma-
days, many years ago, he played music – not from a terson went from managing more than 40,000 tapes at rotta said. “I will always smile when I think of Kent. He
file on a computer, but from 18-inch records. Video one time to managing at least 200,000 files. He worked brings a deep sense of humanity and humor to everything
was recorded onto two-inch tapes from a cumbersome with 30 different financial offices and 140 different he does and everyone he meets.”
recorder. He focused black and white studio cameras suppliers. He coordinated with 20 different depart-
loaded with film. ments in the building. As media manager, he took care No one who can deadpan better than Peterson, said
of programming from cradle-to-grave. Marotta, who still falls for Peterson’s antics. “We won’t
Forward to 1986 and Peterson was the last weekend just lose a colleague when Kent departs. We will lose a bit
and holiday supervisor at the American Forces Radio and “Kent has one of the most positive and hard-working of our heart and soul,” Marotta said.
Television Service (AFRTS) Broadcast Center in Holly- attitudes of anyone I have worked for, or with previously,”
wood. He worked every Saturday all day, every Sunday said Heather Metz, his colleague. “Every day is some- Now a retired Master Sgt. and soon to be a retired civil
all day and all holidays. No joy on Friday for Peterson. thing different and unexpected. He has taken me under servant, Peterson’s office will be a little quieter. Oh, he’ll
When AFRTS moved to Sun Valley, California, back in his wing to make sure I have all the tools I need to suc- still handle media, but that of his choosing, in his own
1988, Peterson established the TV Traffic Department. ceed in this position,” she said. time, and at his own place.
He did it all.
Peterson welcomes questions, comments and concerns
He was a TV operator, and of course worked over- to better the organization, Metz said.
nights. In 1997 he moved to TV as a Spectrum Scheduler/
Planner and later Movie Scheduler along with Spectrum. “He continues to keep my mind sharp whether it be
Peterson also took on correcting problems with the TV li- a game of ‘guess that tune’ or ‘word association.’ He
brary and some 60,000 program items. When the project has quite the vast diversity when it comes to the music
was completed he had reported 12,000 problem items. To he blasts from Jim Stafford to Chumbawamba to Katy
keep him even busier, he took on the task of preparing Perry,” Metz said. “On rare occasion, he even takes
reports for supplier payments. song requests. He does different voices and is always
up to have a good time and make someone’s day with a
It would be conservative to say that Peterson is a joke or friendly ‘hello.’ His enthusiasm, kindness, hu-
conversationalist. In fact, six years ago, he joined mor and fun personality will be greatly missed around
Toastmaster’s to hone his public speaking skills. His these halls,” she said.
ability to communicate exceptionally well paid off. He
attained the status of Distinguished Toastmaster (the Although Metz has been with Peterson only a short
highest level in Toastmasters), Qualified Speaker sta- time, AFN Director of Television, Larry Marotta, has
tus and has served as a judge at the International level. known Peterson for much longer, having worked together
He has received various other accolades while in Toast- nearly 30 years ago at the previous broadcast center in
masters. Peterson also stepped up to leadership roles. Sun Valley, California.
He just finished his duties as District 12 Governor for
“He was a Tech. Sgt. and I was new to civil service. I
March ARB defender honored by L.A. Galaxy