Page 8 - March ARB Beacon 10-30-15
P. 8

8 October 30, 2015                                                                      

Air Force Reserve Recruiting Service shoots

public service announcement at March Field

by Linda Welz

   A production team from Blaine Warren Advertising (BWA) spent Wednesday morn-                                                                                                  86$LU)RUFHSKRWR/LQGD:HO]
ing, October 28, in a hangar at March Air Reserve Base shooting scenes for the Air Force
Reserve Command Recruiting Service’s 2016 public service announcement. The BWA                    IURPOHIW&KLHI0DVWHU6JW'DULQ7KRPDVFKLHIRIDGYHUWLVLQJ$LU)RUFH5HVHUYH
agency works with Reserve Recruiting advertising to meet the needs of the command.                &RPPDQG5HFUXLWLQJ6HUYLFH$VWURQDXW/HODQG0HOYLQDQG6WHUOLQJ0DUWHOOGL-
   “Air Force Reserve Command’s PSA program provides the ability to reach mil-                    $)5&56SXEOLFVHUYLFHDQQRXQFHPHQW6FHQHVIRUWKH36$ZHUHVKRWLQD
lions of viewers across the nation in its target demographic, and is a critical element           KDQJDUDW0DUFK$LU5HVHUYH%DVHRQ:HGQHVGD\2FW
to the branding and awareness of the Air Force Reserve to the American public,”
said Chief Master Sgt. Darin Thomas, chief of advertising, AFRC.                                     “We were fortunate enough to team up with Leland Melvin, astronaut and former
                                                                                                  co-chair on the White House’s STEM Education Task Force,” Thomas said. “He
   It takes a lot of cooperation to make the program a success, said Dean Harris,                 adds credibility to the message we are trying to get across.”
executive producer, BWA.
                                                                                                     Harris said BWA has worked with Team March in the past and commends team
   Team March members from the security forces, maintenance group and public affairs pulled       members on their integrity, excellent work ethics and professionalism.
together to clear the production team personnel and their vehicles full of equipment to come
on base and then provided a location and C-17 for the shoot, all without disrupting the mission.     “We filmed Rob Dyrdek’s ‘Fantasy Factory’ here, produced the Kid Rock Tour for
                                                                                                  the Troops here, and shot the 2015 AFRC Recruiting Service’s PSA here,” Harris said.
   “Had it not been for the outstanding professionals at March, things would not                  “It has always been a fantastic experience to work with the folks here at March.”
have gone so smoothly,” Thomas said.

   The challenge is to tell the story differently each year, he added.
   “At the end of spring we gather ideas for the next PSA, then, we present the PSA,
over the summer, to the leadership for approval,” Harris said. “In the fall we go into
production, and in January, the PSA is distributed.”
   “We have the same target demographics and the same story, so coming up with a
compelling storyline that connects well with our audience is a challenge,” Thomas said.
   The 2016 PSA was created to highlight new technology, such as the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program opportunities, and the high
technological areas in which the Reserve is involved.

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