Page 9 - March ARB Beacon 10-30-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                                                     October 30, 2015              9

From RESERVE page 5                        or advanced professional schooling, and

ing to assimilate into the civilian world  tap them for short-term missions,” Pun-                           Military Ball ticket prices have dropped to $60 per person this year!
and workforce and move on with their       aro said.                                                         The Team March Ball is Saturday, November 21, 2015. Doors will open
post-service lives. The Navy and Air                                                                      at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails at 6 p.m. and seating at 6:30 p.m. Contact your
Force maintain IRRs but have not mobi-        “Think of it as temporary manpower.                           ticket representative, listed in this issue, to purchase tickets or contact
lized large numbers.                       Businesses go out and use temp man-                            Christine Devin at 951-655-5945 or email her at
                                           power pools all the time. We don’t really                        mil. The deadline to purchase tickets is November 5. There are rooms
   Punaro said a first step toward re-      do that in the military that well,” he said.                   available at the Hyatt Place for $105 each (the Hyatt Place price includes
vamping the IRR would be to simply                                                                        breakfast). When you call to make a reservation, mention the “452nd Air
figure out a better way to maintain basic      Assigning IRR members to Reserve                            Mobility Wing 2015 Military Ball” to get the group rate. For reservations,
contact with the extremely diffuse com-    units would help integrate them into the
munity of veterans with a remaining        operational force more efficiently and                                 contact The Hyatt Place at 951-321-3500 or 1-888-553-1300.
IRR commitment.                            effectively. In 2012, the Army began as-
                                           signing troops who were separating and
   The Defense Department struggles        shifting into the IRR to specific Reserve
to maintain an accurate database of IRR    units. Those personnel are not required
troops and their contact information       to drill or even maintain contact with
because its personnel directorates use     their assigned units, but it gives those
outdated database systems and do not       veterans a military point of contact if
share information with other govern-       needed, Army officials said.
ment agencies such as the Internal Rev-
enue Service. But now, new technology         Tilghman’s article continues, touch-
and social media tools should make that    ing on IRR troops having access to
                                           military benefits; being considered as

a manageable task.                         “part-time active” force instead of stra-

A comprehensive, up-to-date and tegic or operational; and using social

searchable database of IRR troops media to keep them ready and informed.

would allow the services to identify Read the full article at: http://www.air-

members with unique training, such as

language skills, technical or cyber skills gon/2015/10/26/irr-review/74274560.

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