Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2022
P. 1
“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen” March 2022
Vol. 21, No. 3
Luke Airman
Rugged laptops, 3
Airman 4 Life, 5 for SLECP-A
308th travels, 6
By Chief Master Sgt.
Annual Awards, 8, 9 Jon STevenS
56th Communications Squadron
FEAtUrE Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. surprised
a 56th Communications Squadron master sergeant
with news of his selection for the Senior Leader En-
listed Commissioning Program-Active Duty Scholar-
ship on a video call in January.
“This opportunity is an honor and privilege,” said
Master Sgt. Nestor Delgado, 56th CS cybersecurity
section chief, after receiving the news. “I am grateful
to my family, supervisors, peers, and subordinates for
all of their support throughout my career. I hope to
meet and exceed the expectations of everyone that
has helped develop me along the way as I commission
[and become] an officer. I cannot stress my gratitude
enough, thank you.”
The SLECP-A program allows Air Force senior
Courtesy photo leaders to give enlisted members who demonstrate
Veterans among Us exceptional leadership and performance skills a com-
See Page 12 missioning opportunity. The program will allow Del-
gado to complete his degree full time while remaining
on active duty status. After completing his degree,
Delgado will attend Officer Training School at Maxwell Senior Airman Phyllis Jimenez
Air Force Base in Alabama. After OTS, Delgado will Master Sgt. Nestor Delgado, 56th Communications Squadron wing cyber-
attend technical training at Goodfellow AFB, Texas to security section chief, poses for a photo Feb. 7, 2022, at Luke Air Force
become an intelligence officer. Base, Arizona. Delgado was notified by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
“Master Sgt. Delgado is the perfect fit for SLECP,” Charles Q. Brown Jr. with the news of his selection for the Senior Leader
said Lt. Col. Jesse Ellis, 56th CS commander. “He and Enlisted Commissioning Program-Active Duty Scholarship. The program
Continue to get Luke’s latest his family have an amazing story and this just adds to allows Air Force senior leaders to directly grant enlisted members who
news and information from it! We’re incredibly proud of Nestor and know he will demonstrate exceptional leadership and performance skills a commis-
these sources: https://www. go on to do amazing things for our Air Force!” sioning opportunity via Officer Training School.
and social media
Luke AFB
Luke56thFW @LukeAFB
Date of publication reaches
First Friday
of the month 90,000th flight
Submission deadline
15th day of the month hour in F-35A
prior to date of publication
Veterans Since its arrival in 2013, pilots have
racked up more than 90,000 flight
Tell us Your Story hours in the F-35A at Luke Air Force
Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees Base, Arizona. With Luke AFB’s ded-
All military branches are included icated pilots, maintainers and ad-
Email name, phone number and a ditional support personnel, the mile-
brief description of your service to stone was reached and surpassed with the next milestone on target. Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder