Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2022
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Thunderbolt                                                                                                                    March 2022  11
                                                                                               LOYALTY RESCUE HEROES DOGS PARTNERS                                                                                                             

                                                                                               SOLDIER’S BESTFRIEND TBI SERVICE HOPE
                                                                                               COMMUNITY VETERANS HOPE PTS INSPIRE

                                                                                 Soldier’s Best Friend provides United States military veterans
                                                                                 living with combat-related Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) or Trau-
                                                                                 matic Brain Injury (TBI) with Service or Therapeutic Compan-
                                                                                 ion Dogs, most of which are rescued from local shelters. The
                                                                                 veteran and dog train together to build a trusting relationship
                                                                                 that saves two lives at once and inspires countless others.
            Better Legs today!                                                      SBF TRAINING                          “I’ve spent 22 years making

             We are Military experienced!                                            LOCATIONS                            my military career my life. I
                                                                                                                          had no clue how difficult
                                                                                                                          civilian life was going to be.
                                                                                                                          Now, Koda is my battle bud-
                 accepting New Patients!                                                    Flagstaff                     dy. He seems to know when
                                                                                         Prescott                         I need him and he keeps me
            Call Now for a Free screening                                                                                 happy, laughing and calm.
                                                                                          Phoenix                         He’s even able to find Mom
                                                                                                                          [Terry’s wife] when I need
       For over 15 years we’ve built our practice with                                  Tucson             Terry & Koda   her, or be supportive when I
                                                                                          Sierra Vista
          our patients’ health and comfort in mind!                                                       2019 Graduates  need a brace.”
                                                                                    Our services are provided at NO cost to the veteran,
          Tricare aNd Medicare accepTed                                               thanks to the generous support of our community.

                                    13628 W. Camino del Sol                      307+    Veteran/dog teams have graduated   195+  Arizona homeless dogs have been
                                                                                                                           rescued from local rescue/ shelters
                                                                                         from our program since 2011
                                        Sun City West, AZ
                                  (623) 584-7874                                                        please visit

                                                                                                                             • Founded 2011
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