Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2022
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8  Thunderbolt  Photo Feature                                                                                                              March 2022   9                                                                                            

 56th Fighter Wing 2021 AnnuAl AWArd Winners

 Due to current DoD restrictions on large gatherings and COVID limi-
 tations, rather than hold the annual awards banquet, wing leadership
 visited category winners and presented them with their award.

 Note: Some awards accepted by team members on behalf of winners   Airman of the Year, Airman 1st Class Emily Perina, 56th Operational   Non-commissioned Officer of the Year, Tech. Sgt. Justin Vaughn,   Senior Non-commissioned Officer of the Year, Master Sgt. Nicole M.   Company Grade Officer of the Year, Capt. Cody Bown, 63rd Fighter
 not present.  Medical Readiness Squadron.  56th Civil Engineer Squadron.  Headley, 56th Operations Support Squadron.  Squadron.

 Field Grade Officer of the Year, Maj. Kevin Hawkins, 56th Operations   Civilian CAT I (non-supervisory) of the Year, Mr. Michael Barber, 56th   Civilian CAT II (non-supervisory) of the Year, Mr. Dean A. Kurtz, 56th   Civilian CAT III (non-supervisory) of the Year, Ms. Rachel Perkins   Civilian CAT II (supervisory) of the Year, Mr. Tracy Dumas, 56th Lo-
 Support Squadron  Logistic Readiness Squadron.  Medical Support Squadron.  Garner, 56th Medical Group.  gistics Readiness Squadron.

 Civilian CAT III (supervisory) of the Year, Mr. Michael Jenks, 56th   Key Spouse of the Year, Mr. Adam Evans, 56th Operational Medical   First Sergeant of the Year, Senior Master Sgt. Rebecca James, 56th   Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year, Tech. Sgt. Matthew   Honor Guardsman of the Year, Senior Airman Jose Diaz-Rullan, 56th
 Civil Engineer Squadron.  Readiness Squadron.  Equipment Maintenance Squadron.  Ramirez, 56th Force Support Squadron.  Equipment Maintenance Squadron.
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