Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2022
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4  March 2022  spotlight  Thunderbolt             news                                       5
                                                                                                                                             March 2022
 Luke Days 2022 cancelled  Luke adopts Airman 4 Life

                By Senior Airman             Airman 4 Life also offers various
 By    and other related effects of CO-  subsiding throughout our local   host what would have been an   opportunities to host one earlier,   PhYLLiS JiMenez  informative classes covering a wide
 56th FighTeR Wing   VID-19, I determined the best   community, the impacts are   amazing event and thank those   if possible.”  56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  range of topics such as financial
 course of action was to cancel   longer-lasting and simply did   who we are honored to serve. We   For questions, please call the   responsibility, fitness and nutri-
 Public Affairs  Luke’s maintainers play an incom-  tion, communication skills, and re-
 this year’s show,” Kreuder con-  not diminish fast enough for   are normally on a two-year cycle   Luke AFB  Public Affairs  Of-
 The 56th Fighter Wing com-  tinued. “Although the COVID-19   us. This was a  tough decision   and our next scheduled show is   fice at (623) 856-6011 or email     parable role in the base’s mission by   siliency.
 mand team has decided to cancel  transmission rates are currently   as we were all really excited to   in 2024; however, we will explore  ensuring the safety and preserva-  “(A4L)  reminds Airmen  about
 the upcoming Luke Days air   tion of its aircraft. Their job entails   programs or resources that are
 show event, previously scheduled   a demanding work schedule with   available,’’ said Senior  Airman
 for March 19-20, 2022.   long hours that can sometimes make   Richard Linderman, 310th Aircraft
 Due to logistical and economic   finding time for self-care challeng-  Maintenance Unit F-16 avionics
 strain, as well as COVID-19 chal-  ing. The Airman 4 Life program was   journeyman. “It’s also nice to just
 lenges, base leadership deemed it   developed to ensure every main-  step away from your normal job and
 in the best interest of all parties   tainer has the resources and time   have a half day for self-care.”
 to cancel the 2022 show and looks   they need to keep a healthy work/  According  to Wong, Airmen  are
 forward to overcoming these is-  life balance.  encouraged to communicate and
 sues for future events.            The program began at  Aviano   provide feedback on classes so that
 “Our  Airmen, alongside our   Air Base, Italy in 2020 as a way for   A4L continues to change and evolve
 community and corporate part-  leadership to check in on Airmen   to meet the current needs and inter-
 ners, have worked tirelessly over   during the initial COVID-19 lock-  ests of the Airmen.
 the past several months to plan   down. Airman 4 Life received posi-  “Airman 4  Life was designed to
 a tremendous show that would   tive feedback and spread to other   teach maintainers basic life skills
 excite and inspire future genera-  Air Force bases, finally making its   and give them time to take care of
 tions,” said Brig. Gen. Gregory   way to Luke AFB in 2021.  things they normally can’t do,” said
 Kreuder, 56th Fighter Wing com-  “Every Monday a team from each   Wong. “It has showcased that it’s
 mander. “We were really looking   aircraft maintenance unit will have   possible to balance aircraft main-
 forward to showcasing airpower   their A4L day,” said Senior Master   tenance with personal and profes-
 to the amazing communities who   Sgt.  Jeremy Wong,  756th Aircraft   sional development during the duty                                Senior Airman Phyllis Jimenez
 support Luke and our mission to   Maintenance Squadron assistant   day. This is something that all units   U.S. Air Force Airmen assigned to the 309th Fighter Squadron attend a performance hydration
 train the world’s greatest fighter   superintendent.  “The day starts   should look into implementing.”  course as part of the Airman 4 Life Program Jan. 31, 2022, at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.
 pilots and combat-ready Airmen.  with a PT session, then a core cur-  Airman 4 Life provides an oppor-  Every Monday each aircraft maintenance unit at Luke AFB sends a group of Airmen to partici-
 “Unfortunately, due to ongo-  riculum class and the rest of the day   tunity to help enhance a proficient   pate in the program. A4L was designed to teach Airmen basic life skills and provide resources
 ing supply chain issues, rising   is free time for Airmen to take care   maintainer as well as cultivate a   to help balance aircraft maintenance with personal/professional development during the duty
 costs of products and services,   of anything that they need.”  better Airman.  day.

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                                Creation Date:  8-30-2021 5:01 PM
                                Last Modified:  8-30-2021 6:18 PM

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