Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2022
P. 7

6  March 2022  news  Thunderbolt                                                   lAPToPS   7
                                                                                                                                             March 2022
                                                                                                                                                  (from Page 3)
                                       Chaplain’s thoughts ...
 Tyndall supports Luke’s  Super Bowl Blues                                                                  which allows for reliable Wi-Fi connectivity on the flightline.
                                                                                                              “Combined with the NIPR Wi-Fi expansion project, the
                                                                                                            ruggedized laptop’s portability gives Luke Air Force Base
                                                                                                            maintainers access to critical information [in real time],”
                                                                                                            said Pent. “Now systems, such as the Autonomic Logistics
 international training mission  Every year about mid-February, there is often a dis-  fort spent supporting their     as well as connectivity for flightline maintainers.”
                                                                                                            Information System, are being updated at the point of use.
                                                                                                            This reduces turn times and increases aircraft ability rates
                           Chaplain, Capt
                                                                                                              U.S. Air Force leadership visited Luke maintainers, com-
                          ALex JohnSon
                                                           teams during the year.
                                                           At the end of the season
                                                                                                            munications squadron members, and representatives from the
                            56th Fighter Wing
                                                                                                            56th PIO to observe the implementation and demonstration
                                                           people find themselves
                                                                                                            of these new laptops.
                                                           exhausted and feeling dis-
                                                                                                              “This was an incredible visit. The leadership team within
            cernible shift in emotion and exuberance in a number
            of our American and international sports fans.  The
                                                           of time that they now have
            reasons why? Post-Super Bowl Blues.  For many fans
                                                           on their hands, and won-
                                                                                                            their maintainers not only have persistent connectivity across
            of the National Football League, who had tuned in   oriented with the amount                    the 56th Maintenance Group is working tirelessly to ensure
                                                           der what to do with it going forward. Unfortunately,
                                                                                                            the flightline, but recently secured an updated ruggedized Dell
            weekly to watch their favorite teams duel it out on   some people find themselves sad and alone, isolated   Latitude 7424 laptop,” said Lt. Col. Yogi Lebby, U.S. Air Force
            the gridiron, following the conclusion of the six-month   and depressed, post-season. But it doesn’t have to be   Logistics Directorate Maintenance Division chief of advance
            football season there is a time of “reintegration” back   that way for you!  With the right amount of creativity   concepts. “This new laptop is a huge update to the previous
            into the normalcy of everyday life.  Whether your cho-  and effort, this truly can be a time to re-adjust one’s   version and provides maintainers not only an opportunity to
            sen team was crowned Super Bowl Champions at the   self in a positive direction.                wirelessly connect on the flightline, but introduces a sleeker,
            finale and you’re basking in the glory of victory with   According to the USAF’s Comprehensive Airman   newly designed laptop over its predecessor. While touring the
            bragging rights, or especially if your team’s season   Fitness model — Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and So-  flightline, maintainer after maintainer [who were] using the
            was a disappointment, this time of the year begins a   cial - great opportunities DO exist to help one regain   new laptops raved on their capability and are excited for other
            “re-adjustment” process to normal life and a “restora-  “balance” to their lives.  Myself, along with our entire   innovation technologies coming to the 56th.”
            tion of balance.”                              Luke Chapel team, want to encourage any sports fan   Prior to the wireless capable laptops being implemented,
              Just to put myself out there, I am a die-hard Dallas   out there to take advantage of renewed time with family   flightline personnel had to leave their immediate work area
            Cowboys fan. Yes, I know all too well that my team was   and friends, new adventures and travel, education and   to update maintenance tracking systems.
            eliminated in the first round of the playoffs.  And yes,   introspection, crafts and hobbies, spiritual renewal and   “With the new laptops I am able to save time by completing
            I’ve heard all of the jokes about my team enduring a 26-  personal development, in order to once again take back   my forms as I go,” said Staff Sgt. Tyler Viers, 308th Aircraft
            year championship drought that we have experienced.     the reins of your life.                 Maintenance Unit dedicated crew chief. “This saves four
            But I’ll still argue that we are “America’s Team!”   For more information about Luke AFB Chaplain   man-hours per week [per person]. Additionally, we are able
              Yet, in all seriousness, many sports fans (both colle-  Corps programs and events, like us on Facebook @ Luke   to use our maintenance systems on the flightline to commu-
            giate and professional) are flooded with the realization   AFB Chapel. Feeling like you need to talk? Give us a   nicate with production superintendents that the jet is ready
            of the amount of attention and emotion, time and ef-  call at 623-856-6211.                     for the next flight. These new laptops not only accelerate
                                                                                                            change, but showcase innovation for the future.”


 Airman 1st Class Anabel Del Valle                              INVEST                                                     Our Members Are the Mission
 An F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 308th Fighter Squadron, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, taxis the flight line at Tyndall AFB, Florida, Jan. 27, 2022. The 308th FS trains   AND
 F-35 pilots from all over the world, integrating tactics and expanding innovation, allowing coalition partners to better execute the mission as a team.

 By Airman 1st Class   director of operations. “Our goal is to provide students   large-scale training exercises such as Checkered Flag and
 AnABeL DeL vALLe  the experience of operating from an unfamiliar airfield,   the Weapons System Evaluation Program. However, pro-
 integration with other aircraft types, and to achieve   viding assistance to the 308th FS is especially beneficial as
 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
 high-level end-of-course training. Our joint tactics ensure   Tyndall is preparing for its own arrival of F-35 squadrons.
 TYnDALL AiR FoRCe BASe, Fla. — Tyndall Air   seamless integration.”  Hosting trainings like this allows for base agencies to test
 Force Base’s vast amount of airspace located over the east-  The training allowed pilots from the three nations to   what works well when housing the aircraft.  without the legwork
 ern Gulf of Mexico recently supported the 308th Fighter   not only fly with Tyndall aircraft, but also Eglin AFB and   “With Luke coming out, it shows what is in store for   Learn more at
 Squadron, assigned to Luke AFB, in their mission to train   Alabama Air National Guard assets. To support visiting   our future F-35 mission,” explained Davis. “This allows
 5th-generation fighter pilots.  personnel and aircraft, the 325th Fighter Wing’s Plans   our team to get ready for what Tyndall is anticipated to
 The 308th FS traveled to Tyndall to finish six student   and Programs Office and the 325th Logistics Readiness   be like in the next two or three years. It is as if we are
 pilots’ basic course training on the F-35A Lightning II,   Squadron Reception Working Group combined efforts to   dipping our toes in the water of future operations, not   So you have more time to do what you love.
 as well as continue training programs for transitional   ensure the visiting unit is secure with all necessary assets   only for maintenance and those out on the flight line, but
 students and instructor pilots. The 308th FS training   to complete the exercise.  for the whole base.”                              Insured by NCUA.
 organization is unique as it caters to both domestic and   “We are the magic that ensures the visiting units are   Supporting the 308th FS capstone allows Team Tyndall   Savings products insured by NCUA. Investment options
 foreign forces, including students from the Netherlands   able to meet their goal,” said Capt. Logan Davis, RWG   to train and project unrivaled combat airpower, not only   are available through Navy Federal Investment Services
 and Denmark.  lead. “We handle necessities ranging from communications   for U.S. forces, but NATO forces as well. The production   and are not insured by NCUA.
 “The interoperability that we have between the United   support to transportation. The Wing Program Office coor-  of 5th-generation fighter pilots is already in Tyndall’s
 States and partner squadrons establishes a foundation for   dinates exercise plans then provides us with situational   mission, but with supporting the F-35s, Tyndall is also
 future [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] F-35 opera-  awareness so we can prepare to support.”  learning how to better execute future F-35 missions as
 tions,” explained Maj. Robert Cowsert, 308th FS assistant   Team Tyndall constantly hosts different units during   the “Installation of the Future” is crafted.

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