Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                    SPORTS                                                                                               Oct. 23, 2015
AAFES makes game-winning touchdown
                                                                                                                                         Sports Shorts
     6HQLRU$LUPDQ                                                                                                                     White Tanks hike

'(9$17(:,//,$06                                                                                                                          The White Tank Mountain Hike is
                                                                                                                                       6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 6 and is open to
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  Brandon Brown, 56th Component Maintenance Squadron, passes the ball during           the Luke Air Force Base community.
                                                  DQLQWUDPXUDOÀDJIRRWEDOOJDPHDJDLQVWWKH$UP\$LUIRUFH([FKDQJH6HUYLFHV        Children ages 7 to 12 may attend. The
   The 56th Component Maintenance                                                                                                      cost is $10 per adult and $5 per child.
Squadron team and the Army and Air                team Oct. 8 at Luke Air Force Base. AAFES defeated CMS 40-34.                        Round-trip transportation departs from
Force Exchange Services team stepped                                                                                                   the Bryant Fitness Center. Guides,
onto the field Oct. 8 for an intramural           with three minutes left in the game. It      a Hail Mary pass to Mark Pierrelouis,   breakfast and lunch are included. For
football match at Luke Air Force Base.            looked as though CMS was going to win        AAFES wide receiver, with two defend-   more information or to sign up, call
AAFES defeated CMS 40-34.                         it all, but that was the end of their scor-  ers on him but still made the catch,    623-856-6241.
                                                  ing. AAFES went for broke and scored,        giving AAFES the win.
   CMS came into the game undefeated              tying the game.                                                                      Start Smart basketball
and was on a mission to keep the streak                                                           “We came and played with energy and
alive.                                               With the game tied and only a minute      won the game,” Pierrelouis said. “De-      A Start Smart basketball program
                                                  left, AAFES was looking to win it all.       fense made plays, and our quarterback   for children, ages 3 to 5, is 5 to 6 p.m.
   The match began with CMS scoring               They made it to the 20-yard line with        was making great plays. It feels good   beginning Nov. 3 at the 56th Force Sup-
the first touchdown after a long drive,           15 seconds on the clock. Delverdo threw      catching a game-winner.”                port Squadron Youth Center. For more
bringing the score to 7-0 with 10 min-                                                                                                 information, call 623-856-7470.
utes left in the first half. AAFES wasn’t
going down without a fight as they also                                                                                                Triple Play Club
scored, tying the game 7-7.
                                                                                                                                          The Triple Play Club is a noncompeti-
   Both teams had amazing energy with                                                                                                  tive run/walk challenge for children, ages
no signs of slowing down and before the                                                                                                9 to 12. The club meets 5 to 5:30 p.m.
half was over, both scored again. At                                                                                                   Monay through Friday. For more infor-
the end of the first half, the score was                                                                                               mation, call 623-856-7470.
19-14 CMS.
   AAFES was determined to come back
and break CMS’s winning streak.                                                                                                           7KH+KHDOWKÀWQHVVDQGQXWULWLRQ
                                                                                                                                       club meets 4 to 4:30 p.m. Mondays at
   “Our goal was simple, just move the                                                                                                 the 56th Force Support Squadron Youth
ball” said Ceaser Delverdo, AAFES                                                                                                      Center. For more in formation, call 623-
quarterback. “Our defense is making the                                                                                                856-7470.
plays to stop them, so we just need to
score the touchdowns and we will win.”                                                                                                 Indoor volleyball

   The second half of the game proved to                                                                                                  Coed volleyball for beginner to
be a highlight for both teams, as they                                                                                                 expert skill levels is 6 p.m. Mondays
continued to score back-to-back, tying                                                                                                 and Wednesdays, and 3 p.m. Sundays
the score at 28-28 with only five minutes                                                                                              at the Bryant Fitness Center in bas-
left in the second half.                                                                                                               ketball Court 3. For more informa-
                                                                                                                                       tion, email Alex Sigler at alexander.
   Even though AAFES was playing                                                                                             
heavy defense, it wasn’t enough to stop
CMS from reaching the end zone as they
scored again to bring the score to 34-28

of the

                 NFL Thursday         Airman 1st Class                Master Sgt.                          Staff Sgt.                Tech. Sgt.         Airman 1st Class
    6HDWWOHYV6DQ)UDQFLVFR            Ridge Shan                Leonard Hodges                         Perry Vitali           Brandon Savage          Joseph Deguino
                                                               56th Operations Group           56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group      56th Medical Group
                   NFL Sunday        56th Fighter Wing
       %XIIDORYV-DFNVRQYLOOH              6HDWWOH                 6DQ)UDQFLVFR                           6HDWWOH                   6HDWWOH                 6HDWWOH
                                             %XIIDOR                     %XIIDOR                          -DFNVRQYLOOH                 %XIIDOR              -DFNVRQYLOOH
         0LQQHVRWDYV'HWURLW             6W/RXLV                   &LQFLQQDWL                           6W/RXLV                 6W/RXLV               6W/RXLV
             +RXVWRQYV0LDPL            0LQQHVRWD                                                        0LQQHVRWD                 0LQQHVRWD               0LQQHVRWD
                                            +RXVWRQ                      'HWURLW                            +RXVWRQ                                           +RXVWRQ
1HZ2UOHDQVYV,QGLDQDSROLV             ,QGLDQDSROLV                   +RXVWRQ                                                         0LDPL
   3LWWVEXUJKYV.DQVDV&LW\              Pittsburgh                 ,QGLDQDSROLV                        ,QGLDQDSROLV              ,QGLDQDSROLV            ,QGLDQDSROLV
   1<-HWVYV1HZ(QJODQG             1HZ(QJODQG                   Pittsburgh                          Pittsburgh                Pittsburgh             .DQVDV&LW\
  7DPSD%D\YV:DVKLQJWRQ                7DPSD%D\                  1HZ(QJODQG                         1HZ(QJODQG               1HZ(QJODQG             1HZ(QJODQG
        $WODQWDYV7HQQHVVHH                Atlanta                  :DVKLQJWRQ                          7DPSD%D\                 :DVKLQJWRQ              :DVKLQJWRQ
       2DNODQGYV6DQ'LHJR              6DQ'LHJR                      Atlanta
         'DOODVYV1<*LDQWV           1<*LDQWV                  6DQ'LHJR                             Atlanta                   Atlanta                 Atlanta
     3KLODGHOSKLDYV&DUROLQD              &DUROLQD                      'DOODV                           6DQ'LHJR                 6DQ'LHJR               6DQ'LHJR
                                                                      3KLODGHOSKLD                                                   1<*LDQWV
                   NFL Monday               $UL]RQD                                                          'DOODV                 3KLODGHOSKLD               'DOODV
                                          SHUFHQW                     $UL]RQD                          3KLODGHOSKLD                                        &DUROLQD
       Baltimore vs. Arizona              SHUFHQW                   SHUFHQW                                                      $UL]RQD
                                  ³,I,NHHSZLQQLQJSHRSOH          SHUFHQW                            $UL]RQD                 SHUFHQW                $UL]RQD
    Last week’s percentage           ZLOOWKLQNLW¶VULJJHG´  ³%HVWTXDUWHUEDFNVLQFH                    SHUFHQW                SHUFHQW              SHUFHQW
                                                                    -RH0DQWHJQD´                         SHUFHQW      ³*RWR9HJDVDQGZLQVRPH        SHUFHQW
    Year to date percentage                                                                               ³,¶PORYHWR     PRQH\EHFDXVHP\SLFNV       ³)RXUWKTXDUWHU
                                                                                                         PDNHSLFNV´             DUHDXWRPDWLF´           FRPHEDFN´
                      Trash talk
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