Page 18 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
P. 18

Oct. 23, 2015                                                     NEWS                                                              Thunderbolt

Understanding                                                                Retiree Appreciation Day: Will Day
love language aids
communication                                                                   The Luke Air Force Legal Office will be host-       to sign-up for the event. Spots are limited and
                                                                             ing a will event exclusively for retirees on Nov.      will go fast.
                               E\7HFK6JW                                7. For retirees interested in getting a will or
                            /28,69(*$-U                                   having a current will modified, sign up by call-          3ULRU WR WKH HYHQW UHWLUHHV DUH WR ÀOO RXW DQ
                                                                             ing the legal office at 623-856-6901. The office       online worksheet at https://aflegalassistance.
                                         944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs   is currently, accepting call-ins from retirees and provide the ticket
                                                                                                                                    number generated.
   According to most relationship experts, communication is the key
to developing a long-lasting, healthy relationship. Imagine what it          Become a VITA volunteer
would be like if you didn’t speak the same language as your partner?
How could you ever know what he or she expects and needs from                  Volunteers Are Needed for the Upcoming Tax              FRQWDFWYROXQWHHUVZHHNO\WRFRQÀUPWKHLUDYDLO-
you or vice versa?                                                           Season. No prior tax experience required and              ability for assigned hours.
                                                                             free training is provided.                             ‡$VVLVWZLWKÀOLQJWD[UHWXUQV
   With October being Domestic Violence Prevention month, two                                                                       ‡$QVZHUWD[UHODWHGTXHVWLRQV
events are scheduled to help Airmen discover, interpret and com-                Luke Air Force Base is looking for volunteers to    ‡0DQDJHÁRZRIWD[SD\HUVDFFRUGLQJWRVLWHRSHUD-
municate their love language as well as those of loved ones. Both            support the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance pro-          tional procedures.
events are open to Luke Air Force Base Airmen.                               gram during the 2016 tax season Jan. 25 through          Tax preparer
                                                                             April 14. Volunteers will assist individuals and          Responsible for providing tax return preparation
   A class on love languages, facilitated by Jessica Paul, 944th FW          families in preparing their tax returns and claiming   services to eligible taxpayers at the tax center.
Family Advocacy outreach manager, is noon to 1 p.m. Sunday at                EHQHÀWVIRUZKLFKWKH\DUHHOLJLEOH2QFHFHUWLÀHG  ‡3UHSDUHEDVLFWD[UHWXUQVDQGUHODWHG
WKH WK ): )DPLO\ 5HDGLQHVV RIÀFH %OGJ  &RSLHV RI WKH     volunteers will be asked to work at least four hours      schedules for eligible customers.
bestseller, “The 5 Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman, will be                 per week in the tax center during that time. Services  ‡,QWHUYLHZWD[SD\HUWRGHWHUPLQHDOOLQFRPHGH-
UDIÁHG RII DQG IRRG DQG UHIUHVKPHQWV ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH IRU WKRVH  are provided free of charge.                              ductions and allowable credits are claimed.
who attend.                                                                                                                         ‡$QVZHUWD[UHODWHGTXHVWLRQV
                                                                                Sign up today. Volunteer opportunities with VITA      Questions? Want to participate?
   A “Relationship vs. Fairy Tales” seminar, facilitated by Lindra           include:                                                  Additional support roles are available.
Fishleder, Glendale Community College counseling department,                                                                           For more information, email Capt. Jheremy Per-
is 2 to 3 p.m. Nov. 17 at GCC B-202.                                           Tax center coordinator                               kins at or the base legal
                                                                                Responsible for running the daily operations of     RIÀFHDW
   Participants of both events will learn which relationships work           the tax center.
better than others, which to avoid, and which to run from. Informa-          ‡3ODQWREHDWWKH9,7$VLWHHYHU\GD\WKDWLWLV                       &RXUWHV\RIWKHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ/HJDO2I¿FH
tion on what parents and birth-order have to do with successful rela-           open for the entire tax season.
tionships will be part of the “Relationship vs. Fairy Tales” seminar.        ‡6FKHGXOHYROXQWHHUVWREHDWWKH9,7$VLWHDQG

   The “Relationship vs. Fairy Tales” seminar is open and relevant           2015 JOB FAIR
to everybody even if not in a romantic relationship,” Fishleder said.
“If your relationship is with a parent, friend, sibling or anybody,                                                               DATE & TIME:
it is applicable.”                                                                                                    October 28th 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

   Fishleder recommends taking two assessments online before at-                                                                       WHERE:
need in a relationship.                                                                                 CLUB FIVE SIX

   7KHÀUVWDVVHVVPHQWLVWKH+XPDQ0HWULFVZZZKXPDQPHWULFV                                            1400 WEST EAGLE ST., LAFB, AZ 85309
com, to help you identify your personality type. The second is The
5 Love Languages,, to discover how you                                     Hosted by the Airman & family Readiness Center
prefer to experience and express love which includes words of af-                          in partnership with the Department of Economic Security
touch.                                                                                   OVER 60 LOCAL AND NATIONAL EMPLOYERS WILL BE HERE!
                                                                             AIRLINE INDUSTRIES, HEALTHCARE, TOP GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, ETC.
   She emphasized how those who attend will get a lot from the
seminar without the assessments but having concrete feedback                                                              ALL TO MEET WITH YOU!
                                                                                           BRING YOUR RESUME & GET A FREE RESUME REVIEW
   “It really taught me the type of person I am in a relationship
and my top love language,” said Marlene Barrera, GCC alumni,                               DRESS FOR SUCCESS!
about the seminar. “Plus, it’s free, open to the public, and you get
to learn more about yourself.”                                               623-856-6550                                 

   After identifying their personality type, the seminar helps par-
ticipants relate to people by discussing how to communicate the
ceived notions of a Mr. Perfect or Mrs. Right. It is constructed to
through good communication and hard work.

   The seminar is interactive and some of the participants will get
the opportunity to share life experiences. For those who prefer a
one-on-one session, arrangements can be made.

   Fishleder has been facilitating the seminar for the past four years
and has a master’s degree in counseling with training in counsel-
ing psychology. She has been working as a counselor for Maricopa
County Community Colleges District for ten years.

   “I hope participants take away a level of self-awareness so that
they grow on an individual level,” said Fishleder. “I also hope
they leave with a better understanding of how to communicate

   To register, email For those unable
to attend but interested in attending, this seminar is offered twice
a year.

   For more information, call Paul at 623-856-2289 or GCC Counsel-
ing Services at 623-845-3064.

   For victims of domestic violence, contact the 24/7Domestic Vio-
lence Victim Advocate Hotline at 623-255-3487.
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