Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
P. 16

Oct. 23, 2015                           NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thunderbolt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Flu shots now





                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tommie Horton

Tracy Rycroft uses a laser scanner to capture part dimensions used to construct a 3-D model. After programming, the printer
can run on its own 24 hours a day without manning. Rycroft is a 573rd Commodities Maintenance Squadron mechanical engi-
neering technician.

3-D printing taking larger role in depot ops                                                                                                                                                                                           Volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       groups raise
   7,1.(5$,5)25&(%$6(2NOD³                  that are currently bought, shipped to the            for that job than an identical 3-D-printed                                                                                     funds by
The Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex            depot, stored in inventory and pulled when           titanium part.                                                                                                                 wrapping
LV ÀQDOL]LQJ D VWUDWHJLF SODQ WR LQWHJUDWH  needed could instead be printed on demand                                                                                                                                           perfect gift
3-D printing technology into nearly every          directly at repair and overhaul sites as 3-D            “For metals in particular, the additive
aspect of its airpower sustainment mission.        printing advances.                                   manufactured properties are typically                                                                                             Community groups can raise funds
                                                                                                        somewhat lower, so what you gain in speed                                                                                      for their worthy causes while spread-
   OC-ALC experts foresee 3-D printing,               The Air Force’s oldest planes, such as            DQG ÁH[LELOLW\ \RX ORVH VRPH PHFKDQLFDO                                                                                 ing holiday cheer. The Luke Air Force
DOVRFDOOHGDGGLWLYHPDQXIDFWXULQJÀOOLQJ        the venerable B-52 Stratofortress, often             properties,” Olivero said. “You can get good                                                                                   Base Exchange is actively soliciting
needs ranging from making aircraft engine          need parts that haven’t been manufactured            characteristics compared to 10 or 20 years                                                                                     partners for the Army & Air Force
parts to printing electronic components de-        for decades. Using 3-D laser mapping and             ago, but it’s not as good yet.”                                                                                                Exchange Service’s annual commu-
signed by the 76th Software Maintenance            other techniques, existing parts can be                                                                                                                                             nity gift wrap program.
Group.                                             reverse engineered, and even improved, at               The scope of the strategic plan, scheduled
                                                   air maintenance depots.                              to be completed in the coming months,                                                                                             “To make the holidays a little easier,
   “We’ve realized that additive manu-                                                                  is broad and will cover questions such as                                                                                      we partner with local groups to ensure
facturing is a technology that is mature              ´7KH VSHHG DQG WKH ÁH[LELOLW\ RI LW ZLOO  how to build engineers’ expertise with 3-D                                                                                     gifts purchased at the Exchange are
enough, that it is being adopted very              very much improve our industrial base,               printing and what to do with troves of 3-D                                                                                     wrapped before they even leave the
strongly in industry right now, and that           where we’re repairing aircraft that are get-         computer models that will be created.                                                                                          store,” said Aileen Rivenburg, general
we as a depot need to build this capability,”      ting older,” Olivero said. “We have more and                                                                                                                                        manager. “Beyond offering a one-stop
said Dr. Kristian Olivero, the complex’s top       more instances of parts that we can’t get.              “We know how to manage 2-D models,”                                                                                         solution for busy military shoppers,
scientist and engineer.                            All of this will help us be a better logistics       2OLYHURVDLG´:HKDYHÀOHVRISDSHUGUDZ-                                                                                     this effort also helps raise money for
                                                   center.”                                             ings. We have technical orders with draw-                                                                                      local military support initiatives.”
   “This is a step-change technology that                                                               LQJVLQWKHP1RZZHKDYHWRÀJXUHRXWKRZ
will really change in some ways how we can            Engineers designing new or improved               WRVWRUHFODVVLI\PDLQWDLQDQGFRQÀJXUHDOO                                                                                    During peak holiday seasons, the
do depot maintenance,” Olivero said. “It will      SDUWVFRXOGDOVRJHWWKHLUÀQDOSURGXFWVRXW        of those 3-D models.                                                                                                           Luke AFB Exchange sets up tables
JLYHXVDORWRIVSHHGDQGÁH[LELOLW\EXWLW·V   more rapidly. Traditional lathe machining,                                                                                                                                          and provides supplies that community
something we have to learn to manage and           a subtractive process that carves parts out             “It’s a completely different paradigm,”                                                                                     volunteer groups can use to wrap gifts
understand how to use.”                            of blocks of material, can take months of            Olivero said. “There are new challenges,                                                                                       in exchange for donations.
                                                   machining time if a complex part needs               new processes and new capabilities, and
   The OC-ALC’s plan stems from the addi-          multiple prototypes before it’s perfected,           we need to work out how to make all that                                                                                          For information on scheduling a
tive manufacturing goals in the Air Force’s        Olivero said.                                        ZRUNWRJHWKHUIRURXUEHQHÀWµ                                                                                                 time to participate, interested orga-
“Complex of the Future” strategic forecast                                                                                                                                                                                             nizations can call the Exchange at
for the coming decades. Similar complex-              “With additive manufacturing, that part              According to Jamie Gilbert, the OC-ALC                                                                                      623-935-2671, ext. 211.
VSHFLÀF LQLWLDWLYHV DUH XQGHUZD\ DW WKH      may take a couple of hours to print and you          industrial process authority, “The biggest
air logistics complexes at Robins Air Force        FDQDFWXDOO\JRWKURXJKÀYHRUVL[LWHUDWLRQV       challenge is going to be changing the men-                                                                                                                   Courtesy of AAFES
Base, Georgia, and Hill AFB, Utah.                 LQ GD\Vµ 2OLYHUR VDLG ´(YHQ LI \RXU ÀQDO   tality of our engineering and technician
                                                   part is going to be machined, you can print          workforce because right now most of the
   Additive manufacturing machines build           LWLQSODVWLFÀYHWLPHVWRPDNHVXUHLW·VJRW       people in the complex aren’t used to addi-
objects from raw materials fed into them.          the correct geometries, the right tolerances,        tive manufacturing and working with 3-D
3ODVWLFÀODPHQWWKDWORRNVOLNHWKLFNÀVK-         the correct interfaces and then machine the          models to manufacture parts and to design
ing line, for example, can be fed into a 3-D       ÀQDORQHµ                                           repairs.
printer to construct an object layer by layer
on a platform. A growing list of other raw            Additive manufacturing also has disad-               “Even many of our young engineers who
materials includes metal pellets, ceramics         vantages in some cases, Olivero said. Some           ZHUH MXVW RXW RI FROOHJH IRXU RU ÀYH \HDUV
and gypsum.                                        jet engine components must withstand                 ago, it’s mostly new for them,” Gilbert
                                                   extremely high temperatures and physical             said. “We’re going to have to learn how to
   Olivero, the complex’s technical director,      stresses. Parts milled traditionally from            incorporate it and insert it into our manu-
said the potential impact of additive manu-        a block of forged titanium, for example,             facturing machine.”
IDFWXULQJRQGHSRWRSHUDWLRQVLVVLJQLÀFDQW      tend to have better molecular properties
Replacement engine parts, for example,                                                                                                            Courtesy of
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