Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                     NEWS                                                                                 Oct. 23, 2015

Luke hosts                                                Cybersecurity, OPSEC vital to mission success

Forging Sabre                                                :$6+,1*721 ³ Every day, Air         said Col. Mary Benson, the Air Force’s       ‡ &RPPXQLFDWH ZLWK IDPLO\ IULHQGV
                                                          Force organizations and personnel are    senior information security officer.      and communities about the importance
biennial exercise                                         reminded of the importance of opera-     “Cybersecurity is such an integral part   of internet safety.
                                                          tions security and cybersecurity, and    of ensuring operations security in our
   Luke Air Force Base will host Forging                  how integrating them into day-to-day     Air Force; therefore, we are especially      ‡/LPLWWKHDPRXQWRISHUVRQDOLQIRU-
Sabre, a biennial exercise involving the                  operations helps protect proprietary     excited to share Cybersecurity Aware-     mation shared online and use privacy set-
members of the Republic of Singapore                      and sensitive information from disclo-   ness Month with our OPSEC partners.”      tings as much as possible on social media.
armed forces Nov. 30 through Dec. 14.                     sure, espionage and exploitation.
                                                                                                      Lawrence Wisdom, the Air Force            ‡%HFDXWLRXVDERXWZKDWLVUHFHLYHGRU
   The Forging Sabre exercise will include                   Virtually every mission across the    OPSEC program manager said the            read online and the potential for phishing
both night and weekend flying operations                  range of military operations depends     month-long observance is, “a great op-    and identity theft campaigns.
for the duration of the exercise at Luke                  on cybersecurity and every Airman        portunity to remind personnel of the
AFB and the Barry M. Goldwater Range                      is tasked to defend and protect the      relationship OPSEC and cybersecurity         ‡ 6FUXWLQL]H FRQWHQW EHIRUH SRVWLQJ
complex.                                                  domain.                                  share in keeping personnel and the        online. Will the post embarrass the unit
                                                                                                   mission safe.”                            or family, or give someone with mali-
   The areas around Luke and the BMGR                        Even at home, OPSEC and cyber-                                                  cious intent an opportunity to exploit
may experience more noise than usual as a                 security together can deter those who       “We are just as excited to be a part   the information? If the answer is yes,
result of the increased air activity and types            strive to exploit information for per-   of Cybersecurity Awareness Month,”        don’t post it.
of aircraft involved. Aircraft involved will              sonal gain.                              Wisdom continued. “It is very impor-
include the F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-15E                                                            tant our Air Force personnel know cy-        Remember OPSEC and cybersecurity
Strike Eagle and Heron 1UAS. There will                      “Twenty-first century warfare has     bersecurity is everyone’s responsibility  are everyone’s responsibility!
be an increased military presence with mili-              quickly extended beyond the tradi-       and that their daily actions can make
tary movements along Highway 85 south of                  tional domains of air, space, land and   or break a mission and (possibly) put                                            Courtesy of
Gila Bend as military position themselves                 sea,” said Lt. Gen. William Bender, the  themselves and their families at risk,
within the Barry M. Goldwater range.                      Air Force’s chief information officer.   thus the importance of practicing good
                                                          “Cyberspace has emerged as the latest    OPSEC.”
   The purpose of the exercise is to provide              domain. From fuel pumps on the flight-
the Singapore armed forces an opportunity                 line, GPS link on weapons platforms,        The actions below can help every
to exercise and train their full spectrum of              to the computer on your desk — every     Airman keep their identity and infor-
command, control and execution.                           system that operates in and through      mation safe online while improving the
                                                          cyberspace represents a vulnerability    Air Force’s cyber resilience:
   For more information, call Kiley Dough-                to the domain.”
erty at 623-856-7991 or Maj. Matthew                                                                  ‡6HWVWURQJSDVVZRUGVFKDQJHWKHP
Hasson at 623-856-5997.                                      In the days of data breaches, phish-  frequently and don’t share them.
                                                          ing, hacking and social media, one can
             &RXUWHV\RIWK¿JKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUV  never be too careful.                       ‡(QVXUHZRUNDQGSHUVRQDORSHUDW-
                                                                                                   ing systems, browsers and other criti-
                                                             “We are excited about this year’s     cal software are optimized and kept
                                                          Cybersecurity Awareness Month,”          secure through regular updates.

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