Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                                          NEWS                                                                                           Oct. 23, 2015  7                                                                                                                                            

Keep kids happy, safe on Halloween                                                                                                                                          A Safe Halloween

                     E\$LUPDQVW&ODVV                                                            Going out on Halloween?                                                Is a Happy Halloween
                                                                                                        ‡,IGULYLQJVWD\DZDUHRIWKHVXUURXQGLQJV:DWFKIRUFKLOGUHQ   PROBLEM  (from Page 2)
                                  56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                   wearing dark clothing or crossing streets, medians or parking lots.
                                                                                                                                                                            make a difference for Airmen who may
   With Halloween looming on the horizon, children and                                                  ‡ 3DUHQWV VKRXOG HQVXUH FKLOGUHQ DUH SURSHUO\ FORWKHG DQG  be facing tribulations and whether or
adults will soon be donning costumes and out in the streets                                          visible when walking the streets. Choose light-colored fabrics for     not they decide to confide in you, or as
trick-or-treating.                                                                                   greater visibility. If costumes include darker colors, make sure to    is often the case, no one at all.
   Halloween is on a Saturday this year, and as is true every                                                                                                                  I have always shared relationships
year, it comes with a responsibility to make sure everyone                                              ‡&RVWXPHVWKDWOLPLWYLVLELOLW\RUWKHDELOLW\WRZDONFDQEH     with my mentors that were more pro-
stays safe. While children and adults eagerly await the                                              GDQJHURXV0DNHVXUHWKHFRVWXPHÀWVSURSHUO\,IFKLOGUHQDUH        found than simply working together.
night to be here, there are a few precautions to take to keep                                        ZHDULQJDPDVNEHVXUHLWÀWVZHOODQGKDVODUJHH\HKROHV          They have always genuinely cared
it safe and enjoyable.                                                                                                                                                      about my welfare and not just my duty
                                                                                                        ‡+RPHRZQHUVVKRXOGHQVXUHDUHDVDURXQGWKHKRPHDUHIUHH          performance. They have counseled me
                                                                                     Courtesy photo  from clutter to avoid anyone getting injured. Avoid leaving pets       on everything from enlisted perfor-
                                                                                                     in the yard. They could scare or injure themselves or others com-      mance reports to which quarterback
                                                                                                     ing to the door.                                                       to take in my fantasy football draft
                                                                                                                                                                            and they continue to mentor me to this
                                                                                                        ‡(QVXUHFKLOGUHQKDYHÁDVKOLJKWVRUJORZVWLFNV                  day. I know they care and that’s why I
                                                                                                        ‡5HDOMDFNR·ODQWHUQVZLWKFDQGOHVDUHDSSURSULDWHO\VSRRN\      listen. John C. Maxwell said, “People
                                                                                                     but can also be hazards. Keep them out of the path to the front        don’t care how much you know until
                                                                                                     door.                                                                  they know how much you care.” So I
                                                                                                        ‡$GXOWVVKRXOGLQVSHFWWKHWUHDWVEHIRUHFKLOGUHQDUHDOORZHG     encourage everyone to take the time
                                                                                                     to eat them. Discard candy in packages that are already open.          to ask the people you work with how
                                                                                                        Use common sense if attending a Halloween party. If driving         they are doing more often. Then, over
                                                                                                     to or from a party, do not wear a mask or face covering while          time, you will know when they are
                                                                                                     driving. If alcohol is being consumed, drink responsibly. Use the      having a problem. Don’t be surprised
                                                                                                     buddy system and make sure to have a ride home.                        when they confide in you or ask for
                                                                                                        Good planning can ensure everyone stays safe and enjoys             advice. They do it because they know
                                                                                                     Halloween. Following these safety precautions and having good          that their problem is your problem too.
                                                                                                     operational risk management help to ensure everyone has a safe
                                                                                                     and good time.

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