Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                        NEWS                                                                                                                                                                 Oct. 23, 2015              9                                                                                                                                                                                                 

 PEOPLE                                                SRXQGV ZLOO EH DOORZHG WR Á\ WKH DLUFUDIW                Each major command, combatant com-                                                     or guardian to Washington, D.C. for an April
   FIRST                                               until the problem is resolved. As a result,                   PDQG ÀHOG RSHUDWLQJ DJHQF\ DQG GLUHFW                                              14 gala, during which senior leaders of each
                                                       one pilot was impacted.                                       reporting unit may nominate one person                                                    branch of service will present the awards.
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                      for each category.
compiled from information from the Air Force              There is also an elevated level of risk for                                                                                                  
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-             pilots between 136 and 165 pounds. While                         Completed nomination packages are due                                                     Article/624544/operation-homefront-seeks-mili-
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness             the probability of an ejection in this slow                   to the Air Force Personnel Center by Jan. 8.
)OLJKW9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVWKHFLYLOLDQSHUVRQQHO      speed regime remains very low, estimated                                                                                                                             tary-child-of-the-year-nominations.aspx
complete story, go to the web address listed at        FULWLFDOLQMXU\LVKLJKHUWKDQOHJDF\ÀJKWHU                  Article/624549/nominations-sought-for-outstand-                                          Obama adjusts troop levels
the end of the story.                                  ejection seats.                                                                                                                                         for Afghanistan mission
AF sets weight restrictions                                                                                                                             President Barack Obama announced at
for F-35 Lightning II pilots                            Article/624609/air-force-sets-weight-restrictions-           Operation Homefront seeks                                                                 the White House Oct. 15, that he will keep
                                                                                                                     Military Child nominations                                                                U.S. troops in Afghanistan through 2016
   Air Force leaders recently made a deci-                                                     for-f-35-pilots.aspx                                                                                            and a lesser number into 2017 to sustain
sion to restrict pilots weighing less than 136                                                                          Operation Homefront, a national non-                                                   coalition efforts to train and strengthen
SRXQGVIURPÁ\LQJWKH)$/LJKWQLQJ,,              Nominations sought for                                        SURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ LV DFFHSWLQJ QRPLQD-                                              Afghan forces.
due to safety concerns about the ejection              top AF civilian employees                                     tions for the 2016 Military Child of the
VHDWLQDSRUWLRQRIWKHÁLJKWHQYHORSH                                                                             Year awards.                                                                                 Joining Obama at the podium were Vice
                                                          $LU)RUFHRIÀFLDOVDUHDFFHSWLQJQRPLQD-                                                                                                             President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary
   The manufacturer of the seat has been               tions for the Air Force Association Out-                         Operation Homefront leads more than                                                    Ash Carter and Marine Corps Gen. Joseph
conducting tests to ensure the escape sys-             standing Air Force Civilian Employee of                       2,500 volunteers nationwide who provide                                                   Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint
tem works reliably and safely in all planned           the Year.                                                     HPHUJHQF\ DQG RWKHU ÀQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH                                              Chiefs of Staff.
conditions. In a recent test, analysis iden-                                                                         to the families of service members and
WLÀHG DQ XQDFFHSWDEOH ULVN RI QHFN LQMXU\          Each year, the AFA recognizes Air Force                    wounded warriors.                                                                            As part of a four-step plan that he said
during parachute deployment/opening for                civilian employees for outstanding achieve-                                                                                                             would best ensure lasting progress in Af-
lighter-weight pilots at low-speed condi-              ment in four categories:                                         The eighth annual awards will recognize                                                ghanistan, Obama said he would maintain
tions. The requirement is for the seat to be           ‡ Civilian wage employee (all federal                         six outstanding young people ages 8 to 18 to                                              the current posture of 9,800 troops in Af-
FHUWLÀHGIRUDQ\SLORWZHLJKLQJEHWZHHQ                                                                         represent the Army, Marine Corps, Navy,                                                   ghanistan through most of 2016.
and 245 pounds. An unacceptable level of                  wage system employees)                                     Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard
risk was discovered for pilots weighing less           ‡ Civilian program specialist (GS-1                           for their scholarship, volunteerism, lead-                                                   Rather than reduce troop levels to a
than 136 pounds.                                                                                                     ership, extracurricular involvement and                                                   normal embassy presence in Kabul by
                                                          through GS-11)                                             other criteria while facing the challenges                                                the end of 2016, Obama said the U.S. will
   Air Force leaders decided that as an                ‡ Civilian program manager (GS-12 and                         RIPLOLWDU\IDPLO\OLIHRIÀFLDOVVDLG                                                   maintain 5,500 troops and a small number
interim solution, no pilot less than 136                                                                                                                                                                       RIEDVHVLQFOXGLQJDW%DJUDP$LUÀHOGDQG
                                                          GS-13)                                                        On average, they added, previous recipi-                                               -DODODEDG$LUÀHOGLQWKHHDVWDQG.DQGDKDU
                                                       ‡ Civilian senior program manager (GS-                        ents have had at least one parent deploy for                                              in the south.
                                                                                                                     18 months or longer and have relocated at
                                                          14 and GS-15)                                              OHDVWÀYHWLPHVGXHWRDSDUHQW·VPLOLWDU\                                                  The mission in Afghanistan will not
                                                          Organizations and base-level personnel                     assignments.                                                                              change, the president said.
                                                       PXVW FRQWDFW WKHLU PDMRU FRPPDQG ÀHOG
                                                       operating agency or direct reporting unit                        The six awardees will receive $10,000 each                                     
                                                       for applicable suspense dates and addi-                       and a laptop computer and other donated                                                      Article/624465/obama-adjusts-troop-levels-for-
                                                       tional information regarding nomination                       JLIWVDQGWKH\ZLOOEHÁRZQZLWKDSDUHQW                                                                continuing-afghanistan-mission.aspx

SOUND                                                            “‘Monster                                           “‘Hocus Pocus’                                                                            “‘Army of                      “‘Friday the
  OFF!                                                           Squad’is a                                          is my all-time                                                                            Darkness.’It’s a               13th’is one of my
                                                                 favorite movie                                      favorite. Who                                                                             cult classic.”                 best Halloween
What’s your favorite                                             of mine. It had                                     doesn’t like                                                                                                             movies. One of
  Halloween movie                                                a good story for                                    ‘Hocus Po-                                                                                                               the ‘Friday the
       and why?                                                  an 80s movie.”                                      cus?’”                                                                                                                   13th’movies was
                           Civilian                                                Civilian                                          Staff Sgt.                                                                                  Staff Sgt.   down the road
                           SAM HARVEY                                              BRITTNEY WHITING                                  JESUS GARCIA                                                                                JIMMY WHITE  from where I used
                           56th Force Support Squadron                                                                               56th Civil Engineer Squadron                                                                56th CES     to live.”

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