Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-23-15
P. 6

Oct. 23, 2015                               NEWS                                                                                                                                           Thunderbolt

OCTOBER: Energy Awareness Month 'RHVQ¶WPLVVDWKLQJ«

‘Mission Assurance through Energy Assurance’ campaign theme

                           by                          printers, and copy and fax machines at night                                                                                             Senior Airman Devante Williams
           )5$1&,6&23$5',(8                           and on weekends.
                                                                                                              Airman 1st Class Mario Peterson, 56th Logistics Readiness Squad-
                         56th Civil Engineer Squadron     ‡5HSRUWHQHUJ\ZDVWHLQFOXGLQJZDWHUOHDNV      ron, views shipping labels at Luke Air Force Base. Peterson is part
                                                       EXLOGLQJGHÀFLHQFLHVDQGHQHUJ\DEXVH                 of the Materiel Management Flight, which is responsible for stocking,
   October is Energy Awareness Month and                                                                      storing, issuing, managing, inventorying, and inspecting all Defense
Luke Air Force Base is committed to reducing              ‡ &KHFN WKH DJH DQG FRQGLWLRQ RI PDMRU DS-  Department supplies and equipment.
energy consumption to meet all conservation            pliances, especially the refrigerator. Replace it
directives.                                            ZLWKDPRUHHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWPRGHOLIQHHGHG

   The Luke Energy Program is designed to                 Another easy-to-implement initiative is to
comply with federally mandated energy goals            survey incandescent lights for opportunities to
while maintaining a healthy and productive             UHSODFHWKHPZLWKFRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWV7KHVH
workplace.                                             lamps can save three-quarters of the electricity
                                                       XVHG E\ UHJXODU EXOEV &RPSDFW ÁXRUHVFHQWV
   The latest energy reduction goals are speci-        FRPHLQPDQ\VL]HVDQGVW\OHVWRÀWLQPRVWVWDQ-
ily on energy intensity reduction and increased        IRRWODPSÀ[WXUHVZLWKPHWDOOLFEDOODVW5HSODFH
use of clean energy through renewable electric         these with 28-watt lamps and electronic ballast.
and alternative energy.
                                                          Remember, avoid overcooling air-conditioned
   Energy intensity requires a reduction of 2.5        spaces and report all energy problems in the
SHUFHQWUHODWLYHWRWKHÀVFDOEDVHOLQHDQ-      building to the facility manager or energy
QXDOO\WKURXJKWKHHQGRIÀVFDO                  monitor.

   Keep in mind the Air Force theme for this              The 56th Civil Engineer Squadron and
year’s energy awareness campaign, “Mission             Arizona Public Service, the utility provider, will
Assurance through Energy Assurance,” puts              promote energy awareness month by making
Airmen at the center of the campaign. The goal         information on energy and water conservation
LVWRLQVSLUHWKHWRWDOIRUFHWREHPRUHHIÀFLHQWVR  available throughout the month, including tips
they can give the Air Force an assured energy          on how to conserve natural resources.
advantage in air, space and cyberspace.
                                                          Everyone is encouraged to be vigilant and per-
   ,GHDVWRUHGXFHHQHUJ\LQWKHZRUNDUHD            sistent in the effort to reduce energy consump-
such as refrigerators, microwaves, desk light-         at all times, not only to meet base goals, but to
ing, etc.                                              become good stewards of natural resources for
   ‡7XUQRIIRIÀFHHTXLSPHQWVXFKDVPRQLWRUV      the generations to come.

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